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How to make Jerusalem artichoke chips? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 35 min, video recipes, Jerusalem artichoke recipes, Jerusalem artichoke, Jerusalem artichoke chips, how to make Jerusalem artichoke chips, Jerusalem artichoke dishes, the benefits of Jerusalem artichoke, Practical Recipe Videos

Jerusalem artichoke chips

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 1 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 20 min
Cooking: 15 min
1 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

We have come to the end of a very busy week. So much so that I didn't even have the opportunity to update the blog this Wednesday. The weekend is already at school had passed the lessons. one of my other babies on Wednesday One Set of Kitchen I even returned home very late when there was an event in the city and the preparations for these works took at least 2 days. Without forgetting, there was a Tekirdağ journey in these last 4 days :)

Since I have passed the brief summary of the days we were apart, let me talk about the star of our recipe, the Jerusalem artichoke. I think it's a bit overlooked because it's a tuberous tuber, difficult to clean, and a root vegetable that the palate isn't used to. In fact, although it lingers on the hand, it has a slightly sweet taste that resembles an artichoke. Of course it's pretty durable. So when you put it in the refrigerator, you can find the same after 15-20 days.

35 min

This root vegetable, which is especially beneficial for the intestines, helps the digestive system work better thanks to its fiber content. Thanks to its blood sugar balancing feature, it is often recommended for those who have problems with sugar.

I especially yams with olive oil ve yam soup I like a lot. Chips can also be consumed normally, if they are made from small yams, they can be added to soups while being served and provide you with crispy flavors.

If you want, you can leave the yams in the water for 1-2 hours, brush them, clean the sand, slice and fry them in the shell.


Ingredients for Yams Chips Recipe

  • 500 g yams
  • 1 cup of flour
  • salt
  • oil for frying


  1. Wash and peel the yams thoroughly.
  2. Slice thinly using a mandolin or slicer.
  3. Dry with a towel and flour the slices.
  4. Shake the slices in a strainer or sieve and remove excess flour.
  5. Fry in preheated deep oil (frying pan or deep fryer).
  6. Take it on a paper towel and serve when it cools down.

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