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How to Make Roasted Eggplant Salad?

Release Date: 26-06-2016
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Hello Dear Friends,

Weeks before Ramadan, my old school friend Devran and I took a joyful and delicious video at our summer cottage. roasted eggplant salad We had a video. I couldn't find a chance to photograph it because it sold out so fast. This evening, when the barbecue for iftar burned again, we threw the eggplants we bought from the village market into the embers, the aftermath is already known :)

In fact, in the video, we talked at length about the eggplant you should choose and how you should sort it. Let me talk about 1-2 of them again for you here, for the rest I recommend you to watch the video :)

roasted eggplant appetizer

Now, first of all, if you are going to cook your aubergines on embers, you can use aubergines from the garden. It will be both meatier and sweeter. If you are going to cook it on the stove, you can use the type of eggplants we use for thinner ribs.

Do not sort the aubergines you have roasted by holding them under water, the beautiful ember taste you have gained by time and effort will disappear, and the texture of the eggplant will deteriorate.

In the video, there is a version with roasted paprika and without parsley. Everything you add to it is completely up to your taste. Like peppers, you can also roast your tomatoes and add them to the salad.

I am sharing my basic recipe with you, the rest is completely up to your taste :)


How to Make Roasted Eggplant Salad? Ingredients for the Recipe

  • 4 eggplants from the garden
  • 1 medium tomatoes
  • quarter mean parsley
  • quarter bunch of spring onions
  • optionally 2 paprika peppers
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • olive oil
  • vinegar or lemon juice
  • salt


  1. Make holes in the eggplants with a knife. Roast on the grill and peel the roasted eggplants and chop them with a knife.
  2. Finely chop the fresh onion and parsley that you have washed and left to drain.
  3. Chop the tomato into small cubes. Crush the garlic.
  4. Put all the ingredients in the mixing bowl. Add vinegar, salt, and olive oil and mix.
  5. Serve warm, or serve cold after resting for 1 hour. 

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