How to Make Béchamel Sauce?
béchamel sauce cornerstone of white sauces, the name Béchamel was named after the French King XIV. It was descended from the chief chamberlain of Louis' court, the Marquis Béchamel.
If there is bechamel sauce in the recipe we are going to prepare, we will stop and think about it. Often, you may even give up on making the recipe by saying "who's going to deal with it now...". Some of the sauce smells of flour, some of them are lumpy. For some unknown reason, the desired consistency does not hold…
I have prepared a recipe for you that you can prepare with exact measurements without any problems. I even explained how to prepare a more delicious béchamel sauce by adding a little glaze.
The water glass I used in the recipe is one of the standard water glasses found in every home, but I still measured it in ml, so 1 glass is 190 ml (milliliter). In other words, the measure given as 1,5 cups in the recipe is 285 ml.
You can multiply the measurements in this recipe as many times as you want in equal proportions.
Now, who is afraid of the treacherous sauce, I go back to the kitchen to finish the preparation of tiny eggplants with bechamel sauce.
How to Make Béchamel Sauce? Ingredients for the Recipe
- 2 tablespoons of butter (30 g)
- 2 tablespoons (heaped) flour (30 g)
- 1,5 cups of milk (you can add a little more if you want a more liquid consistency)
- salt (to taste)
- black pepper (to taste)
- nutmeg (a tiny pinch)
- optionally 1 aromatic onion
- Take 2 tablespoons of butter in the pan and turn the stove to its lowest setting.
- When the butter starts to melt, add the flour and start roasting.
- When the flour changes color very slightly and starts to smell, add milk little by little.
- Continue to add milk while whisking rapidly. When you add all the milk, season with salt, pepper and nutmeg.
- Cook on low heat until the sauce leaves a trace in the pan, as in the photo, and remove from the stove.
- Use it hot or cold.
How to Use Aromatic Onions?
You can use the aromatic onion to flavor your sauces.
- Add half an onion with 2 cloves of cloves and heat the milk until it reaches the boiling point.
- When the milk is hot, take the onion from the milk and use it in making bechamel sauce.
the onion we use in normal homes
Where else can the aromatic sauce you describe be used for? Is it only used to add flavor to the milk? Thank you in advance.
awesomerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr ♥♥♥☺☺☺☻
The recipes are very nice, I think it is ideal for those who do not know how to cook.
My mother also uses it a lot.
I PREFER Cloves and Bay Leaf
sorry wrong description not descriptive. Let me explain it like this, if someone who doesn't make this sauce makes it, it would be completely wrong if you wanted to describe the correct state of it. I'm like this, milk is boiled and onions with cloves are thrown into it. It would be more correct to put 1 leaf of bay leaf between the onion and the clove. flour and oil are fried. The milk is boiled in a separate pot, together with the onion with cloves and bay leaves. Then, seasoning is added to the milk, and optional black pepper and nutmeg are used in it in order to prevent clumping by slowly feeding it.
Everyone has a style of preparation. I think it would be wrong for you to call my method wrong because, as you say, if you add the seasoning to hot milk, it will tend to clump together much more than my method.
What I want to tell you is that if you want to explain the trick of bechamel sauce to those who follow the culinary school section, I think you should give the right information. Respect for effort, of course, but my mother does the same as you do, don't get me wrong, what I want to tell you is different. If the milk is left to cool (I forgot to add) and it is as I wrote, then a professional béchamel sauce will be prepared :) please don't get me wrong, good luck with your work :)
First of all, thanks Burak, but I'm trying to understand that there is no difference between the recipe I wrote and you said is wrong and the one you wrote in the first comment. I just left the aromatic onion at the request of the people, that's all :)
I add black pepper, salt and nutmeg to bechamel sauce, it is delicious, I recommend it.
I am also one of those who like to use bechamel sauce, I add 2 glasses of milk then it becomes a little more fluid. I use it especially for chicken with this fluid consistency.
My dear, how beautiful it looks, I love the sauce on the spoon..
Yours ..
It would be great if you add a 'tongue' to the aromatic onion. what does this mean? cut the onion with the help of a knife and put 1 bay leaf in it. It is as if the carnations become the eyes and the laurels become the mouth-tongue. Then you can use it by keeping it in milk and warming it slightly. thanks.
It would be wonderful if you add a 'tongue' to the humble aromatic onion. It will be very good if you cut a little with the help of a knife and add bay leaves. put it in milk and h
hello, let me convey a trick given by my teacher at the food court. When you add the milk after frying the flour and oil, take the pan off the stove and add the milk like that. Since the bottom will not burn, the flour will not collect the milk immediately. After mixing well, grate the nutmeg. If it is a dish that you will put in the oven, put 1 egg yolk in it and return it to the stove.