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How to Dry Mint at Home? (Without Losing Its Smell)

Release Date: 09-10-2021
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Hello Dear Friends,

I love to dry the extra greens on hand. Especially every time I go to the market, I buy fresh mint so that I can add it to the salad or add it to the water. It always increases, so I put it aside and forget. When we have such a honey grinder (my daughter) at home and spending time together in the kitchen is good for all of us, we immediately crumbled the dried mints 😄💕

drying mint in the oven

You can wash the mints and hang them in bunches and let them dry after 2-3 hours of draining. I don't bother separating the leaves one by one, I just crumble the bunch in my hand. Peppermint, which dries on its own without any intervention, becomes greener and smells more delicious.

If you have mints that you have crushed by hand, you can take them from a spice grinder, if not, you can sieve them and get them into the spice rack.
Keep in mind, sometimes if I come across leaves that do not dry completely because their stems are attached, I open the vineyard and dry it in the microwave for about 1 minute.

Do not throw away the remaining stems, I am writing on the advice of one of my followers on Instagram. Those stems are very nice when making mint lemon tea :)


How to Dry Mint at Home? Ingredients for the Recipe (Without Losing Its Smell)

  • 1 bunch of fresh mint


  1. If you have the mints ready, wash them, let them drain and hang them to dry or spread them on a clean paper or cloth to dry.
  2. Crush the dried mint with your hands. Separate the stems and take the crumbled leaves into the jar, either through a spice grinder or through a sieve. Store in a moisture-free and direct sunlight place.

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