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How to Do Makeup This Summer?

Release Date: 08-06-2012
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Today, when I was bored with studying, I started to browse the fashion magazines at home. Actually, I read and review many fashion magazines as part of my job, but fashion magazines do not give me much pleasure because they are for work. While I was browsing the magazine, the subject of the new article came to my mind, this year's makeup trends.

In fact, I am in favor of deciding whether the colors suit the person or not, rather than the trend colors in make-up. We talked about this recently while chatting with the make-up artist my friend hired for her wedding make-up. The person should feel good in that make-up, with those colors, and find himself in the make-up. There are also timeless trends in make-up, which I think are the building blocks of make-up, black eyeliner, black mascara and red lipstick. But I said that all red lipsticks may not suit every skin color and every hair color, just in case one has to find himself. It is best to resort to trial and error method.

2012 summer makeup

Let me give an example from myself, for example, the natural color of my hair is a very dark brown. But my skin is white. Most people thought that my natural hair was dyed. The close-to-black brown hair and white skin create a striking contrast to the make-up. And this contrast presents a stark image. For example, if I wear both black eye make-up and red lipstick on my dark hair in winter (in my whitest state without sunburn), the hardness caused by the contrast between my hair and my skin is reflected in the make-up and it becomes a very striking make-up. Some people love make-up like this, but I don't feel comfortable. Intense eye make-up with dark hair and a subtle lipstick or even a lip moisturizer with a light color than my favorite is the make-up I find myself most of the time. In the past years, I tried different colors on my hair because I got bored with the original color of my hair. Light browns, caramel colors, auburn… I think I'm one of those "awarded" people for whom every hair color suits because my skin is light. But again, because my skin is fair, the light hair made me look pale and sickly without makeup. That's why I change my hair color and feel obligated to use blush at the same time. At that time, I gave up on heavy eye make-up. A light bronze blush, mascara, maybe a light eyeliner and lip balm. I have done more on occasions such as weddings and graduations a few times. This year, I got bored with my brown hair and I went and dyed my hair with a dark red color. In fact, it may not be right to call it red, but this hair, which is red in the sun, normally looks dark brown (close to my original color). As someone who has never had a redhead in my life, I've decided to make my experiences with hair coloring a topic for another article :) With my reddish hair, I got rid of the problem of looking sickly without make-up, as well as I started doing all kinds of make-up. But since my hair looks very dark brown unless I'm in the sun, I realized that I have to avoid the heavy make-up I mentioned at the beginning. Besides, I'm not a person who likes to do make-up.


Based on all these, I would like to count my own colors, I always like to use black pencil, eyeliner and black mascara. My blushes are either bronze or peach (depending on my hair color and summer-winter skin color), I use either a vague pink-red color on my lips or just a lip moisturizer that gives color, I don't like powders and foundations, I don't use illuminator-concealer unless necessary. Actually, I think this is my year for makeup!

This year, vague eye makeup (usually just mascara and a vague pencil on the bottom of the eyelashes, maybe an eyeshadow close to the skin color) and cherry lips are very trendy. Yes, I know red lipstick is always in fashion anyway. But our trendsetters, who play on naturalness, have chosen matte red or even orangeish lipsticks for this year's colorful fashion. A red lipstick complemented with traditional eyeliner makes you feel like an ancient one. But as I said this year, a vague eye make-up is the complement of red lipstick, which is a harbinger that lips will be at the forefront this summer! (I also like the hair color in the photo, should I dye it this color too :) )

A second trend is that there is no heavy eye make-up in the summer anyway, it was a natural look with 2 colors on the lips, without any eye make-up, maybe by applying only mascara in a vague way. Two colors on the lips reminded me of an image as if you put on lipstick and ate some, but what a beautiful day for those who eat your lipstick :) To make this look without eating the lipstick, the lip edges had to be painted first and then the right color had to be added to the inner sides. Also, the trick was to distribute the lipstick on the lips with a finger.

Our third trend is dark burgundy lipstick. It is written in the magazine that pale green eyeshadow will be a nice complement to a dark burgundy lipstick. Thus, the colors collide and the lips come to the fore again. In addition, as a complement to this make-up, black pencil can be applied both under the eyes and inside the eyelid to create a nice touch, and burgundy can be made to suit everyone. Frankly, I liked the idea of ​​burgundy lipstick, but I would prefer the eyes to be with very little make-up. I think you will think the same thing when you see the photo.

Our latest trend is to be natural. However, this naturalness is provided with a lipstick close to matte skin color, as well as an appearance as if there is no make-up. But in the description, it says that a lipstick in the natural color of the lip should be preferred. I think the model's lips are very light color :) On the eyes, a smoky brown make-up is vaguely supportive of her naturalness.

Let's come to the bottom line, it's fashionable to be natural this year. You should prefer small touches that bring naturalness to the fore. No, I'm not natural, even if you want a little color, just a red or burgundy lipstick will make you "trendy" this year :) My suggestion is that summer is here, especially if you go on vacation and have the chance to tan, I think you can only use mascara and a lip moisturizer for your tan skin. sufficient. If the trend of this summer is naturalness, then we can be as natural as we want!

By & Collage: Sinem Çomarlı

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