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How to Cook Entrecote?

Release Date: 11-01-2016
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Hello Dear Friends,

Today, when some tricks are not taken care of, unfortunately, you lose your water and become unpleasant to eat. beef ribeye I will talk about how you can cook more delicious and juicy. This method is ideal for meat that is sliced ​​at least 1 finger thick and not thinned.

Everyone has their own method at home. Some cook their meat directly on the grill or in a pan, while others cook it in the oven. Today I'm going to tell you about a wonderful method that we learned in culinary school a long time ago. We will start cooking by sealing it in a cast iron pan and finish it in the oven.

15 min

The method we use to keep the juice of the meat we want to stay juicy. sealing the meat.

What is meat sealing? Let's start here first.

seal the meat It means frying both sides of the meat in a preheated pan (until the fumes come out) and brought to high heat to form a thin crust and trapping the juice in it. It is possible to do this with thin, i.e. pounded meats, but if the timing is not adjusted well, the meat will dry out and become like straw. In addition, since the cooking of thin meat will be completed in the pan, there is absolutely no need to put it in the oven.

If your meat is thin and you can't rely on pan-cooking, you can marinate the meat. You can find the meat marinade recipe here.

After sealing both sides of your meat for 2 minutes, you can easily complete the cooking process by placing the baking tray in the oven you have previously heated. Thus, while the outside of the entrecote is burning, you will eliminate the risk of remaining raw inside.

Certain times come into play in the baking process. These are as follows;

  • For medium meat: 5 minutes
  • For medium-well-done meat: 7 minutes
  • For well-done meat: 10 minutes

(The above times are the baking times of the 180 g unthinned beef ribeye that we prepared in the ebde.)

As you can see in the video, your meat is juicy and like cotton.

Vegetables that you boil and saute for 1-2 minutes next to your meat, mashed potatoes or the ones I shared with you before. Asian coleslaw you can serve.


How to Cook Entrecote? Ingredients for the Recipe

Per person:

  • 1 piece (150-180 gr) beef ribeye
  • salt
  • mill black pepper
  • 1 teaspoon of olive oil


  1. Let your entrecote, which you bought from the butcher undiluted, come to room temperature for about 1 hour.
  2. Season front and back with salt, pepper and a little olive oil.
  3. In a well-heated cast iron grill or pan, first seal the first side of the meat.
  4. To trace, put the meat on the grill and wait for 1 minute, after 1 minute, turn it on its side at a 40 degree angle and wait for 1 more minute.
  5. Do the same on the other face.
  6. Take the meat on the tray of the preheated 200 degree oven.
  7. Cook for 5 minutes if you want medium done, 7 minutes if you want medium well.
  8. Transfer the cooked meat to a wooden cutting board and let it rest for 1 minute.
  9. Serve the rested meat either whole or sliced.

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"How to Cook Entrecote?7 comments for ”

  • on August 20, 2019 at 13:30


    I don't want the meat to stay red inside. Is 10 minutes in the oven enough time for this?

  • March 09, 2016 at 11:38

    Ms. Nilay, as you wrote, I did not beat the entrecote I bought from the butcher. I kept it at room temperature for 1 hour. I lightly oiled both sides of the meat with olive oil. I sealed both sides for 2 minutes in a cast iron pan. I cooked it in the oven that I heated to 2 degrees for 200 minutes. I did. I dreamed of a soft meat, and it turned out to be a strap-like meat. Where could I have gone wrong? Have a nice day.

    • March 09, 2016 at 16:04

      Hi Action, was the cast ceiling grille type like mine? Also, did you heat it up enough? If you have applied all of these, the problem may be in the meat. If it's not a butcher you know, they may have given you a steak instead of an entrecote. love.

  • On January 15, 2016 at 10:18 am

    Is this meat from steakhouses aged for a few weeks or from ordinary butchers ?
    When I cook the meat I buy from steakhouses with the sealing method for 2 minutes, it is very delicious, but the meat I buy from any butcher remains completely raw, can this method be applied to any meat bought from a butcher?

    • On January 15, 2016 at 18:17 am

      Hello, this recipe is a method you can apply when you buy it from any butcher. When you follow the tricks I mentioned in the article, the result will be great. Love…

  • On January 11, 2016 at 17:46 am

    I did the same, but when I put it on the plate, it released its juice, where did I go wrong?

    • On January 11, 2016 at 18:30 am

      After cooking, wait for 1 minute on the cutting board or another plate to release and absorb the water. Then it won't release water in the plate again. Yours sincerely


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"How to Cook Entrecote?7 comments for ”

  • on August 20, 2019 at 13:30


    I don't want the meat to stay red inside. Is 10 minutes in the oven enough time for this?

  • March 09, 2016 at 11:38

    Ms. Nilay, as you wrote, I did not beat the entrecote I bought from the butcher. I kept it at room temperature for 1 hour. I lightly oiled both sides of the meat with olive oil. I sealed both sides for 2 minutes in a cast iron pan. I cooked it in the oven that I heated to 2 degrees for 200 minutes. I did. I dreamed of a soft meat, and it turned out to be a strap-like meat. Where could I have gone wrong? Have a nice day.

    • March 09, 2016 at 16:04

      Hi Action, was the cast ceiling grille type like mine? Also, did you heat it up enough? If you have applied all of these, the problem may be in the meat. If it's not a butcher you know, they may have given you a steak instead of an entrecote. love.

  • On January 15, 2016 at 10:18 am

    Is this meat from steakhouses aged for a few weeks or from ordinary butchers ?
    When I cook the meat I buy from steakhouses with the sealing method for 2 minutes, it is very delicious, but the meat I buy from any butcher remains completely raw, can this method be applied to any meat bought from a butcher?

    • On January 15, 2016 at 18:17 am

      Hello, this recipe is a method you can apply when you buy it from any butcher. When you follow the tricks I mentioned in the article, the result will be great. Love…

  • On January 11, 2016 at 17:46 am

    I did the same, but when I put it on the plate, it released its juice, where did I go wrong?

    • On January 11, 2016 at 18:30 am

      After cooking, wait for 1 minute on the cutting board or another plate to release and absorb the water. Then it won't release water in the plate again. Yours sincerely


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