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How are avocados ripened and eaten?

Release Date: 14-09-2015
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Hello Dear Friends,

Earlier on my youtube channel After the video I posted, I got a lot of feedback. Most of it was because the avocado was too bitter and nothing to eat.

As you know Avokado It has been grown in Turkey for a long time. It can be easily found in markets and markets. Despite this, there are those who buy and consume unripe avocados and get the wrong impression.


Playing “What is avocado?” Let's start with…

Avocado; The pear-shaped fruit of a tree of the laurel family of South African origin. This exotic fruit can have an embossed or flat glossy skin, and its green colors can be dark green or brown green tones.


This fruit is plucked from the tree when it is hard, that is, raw, and the ripening process begins after it is plucked. Unless you wait for a long time in the market, you are unlikely to come across a ripe avocado.

The inside of the mature ones has the consistency of butter, therefore, butter tree it was also called.

How to recognize ripe avocado?

A ripe avocado can be recognized by its soft touch, its color changes from bright green to a darker green and is easily crushed when you press the top of the stem.


If you say you can't tell between raw and ripe avocados by touch, try cutting them with a knife. The hard one will force you while the soft one will be cut easily until it reaches the core.

How to accelerate the ripening of avocados?

Since I like to eat it plain and use it in salads, I buy at least 4-5 raw avocados when I go shopping. If I'm not going to use it right away, I put the things I want to stay raw in the refrigerator like this.

I wrap the food I will consume after 1 day in newsprint together with an apple and keep it at room temperature. In other words, the apple accelerates the ripening and softening of the avocado.


If you are not in a hurry, avocados will ripen if left alone for 3-4 days at room temperature. You ripened it but you gave up using it that day, then you can store it in the crisper of the refrigerator for 2-3 days.

What are the benefits of avocado?

As far as I researched on the internet, it is said to have effective against constipation and immune system strengthening properties. Thanks to the unsaturated fatty acids it contains, it prevents the rise of cholesterol in the blood.

Avocado is also a fruit rich in vitamin A and potassium.

Since it has a high fat content, it is recommended to add half an avocado to the salad without adding oil to the salad. (100 grams is 240 calories)

How to peel an avocado?

As you can see in this video, cut the ripe avocado lengthwise in the middle and remove the core in the middle.

It can be sliced ​​or crushed by removing it with a spoon, if desired. If desired, it can be taken out with the help of a spoon after slicing into cubes while in the shell.

Where is avocado used? How to Eat?

Avocado can be used in salads, mousses, sandwiches. It can be added to soups to add flavor.

Below you can find the recipes I have made so far.


Avocado Recipes:


Egg Avocado Sandwich

Fresh Garlic Bread Slices with Avocado

Avocado Salad

Avocado Cake

Avocado Salad (slice)


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