Homemade Fresh Tarhana
Hello Dear Friends,
Today, I completed the wet tarhana cooking that I started on Sunday. I can hear you say how can it be tarhana in 4 days :) Yes, it took only 4 days to reach the tartness I wanted. Of course, dear our sourdough Rıza's also a great contribution.
Just as every valiant eats yoghurt, every region also has a Tarhana dish. I shared with you the Tarhana recipe we prepared in Muğla before. This recipe, the wet tarhana recipe, is a recipe made in Kastamonu. We made a short trip to Kastamonu last week, we bought scallop grass (also called scallop branch) that is added to Tarhana from Devrekani market, that is, the hardened form of dill that has gone to seed. While Aunt Sabriye was there, she gave me a recipe with her own measurements.
As I use it in her recipe sour yeast none. That's why it took almost 10 days to build. I prepared the recipe in its simplest form and after preparing the yogurt mixture (before adding the flour, I left it at room temperature for 1 night so that the yogurt would turn sour).
The next day, I added the flour and sourdough and mixed it. When the container I put at night overflowed, I divided it into 2 pots. After one more day of souring, I added salt according to my taste. I mixed it up as I stopped by the kitchen for the next 2 days. Now its heaving has stopped and his scent has completely turned sour.
I will put 1 jar in the cupboard. I'll divide the rest into freezer bags and put them in the freezer.
We also boiled our first soup during the summer. The taste was really delicious and it was enough to use 4 spoons of fresh tarhana :)
Some people add 1 cube of fresh yeast to the tarhana to make it easier to ferment. Since we have our own natural yeast at home, I did not feel the need to use it.
Since I made the recipe in the heat of August, it took such a short time for it to ferment and turn sour.
Ingredients for Homemade Fresh Tarhana Recipe
- 1 kilo of tomatoes
- 1 kilo of onions
- 1 kilo red and green pepper mix
- half a bunch of fresh mint
- 1 bunch of scallop grass
- 1 kilo 250 grams of yogurt
- 1 cups sourdough
- 2.5 kilo of flour
- salt
- Peel the onions and cut into 4 parts. Wash the peppers and remove the stems and seeds.
- Cut the tomatoes into 2-3 parts.
- Put all the chopped ingredients in a blender and puree.
- Take the yoghurt and pureed ingredients in a large pot and mix them.
- Chop the scallop herb and mint, add them and mix.
- Sour the yoghurt at room temperature for 1 night (enough for 1 night in the heat of August)
- Add the flour and yeast to the sour yogurt and mix. (At this point, put something on the bottom of the pot because it may overflow)
- Stir the rising tarhana mixture every 2-3 hours, after mixing, keep it at room temperature with the lid closed. Add the 2nd day salt and mix.
- At the end of the 3rd day, divide your wet tarhana, which has a sharp smell, into freezer bags and put it in the freezer.
They sell minus yeast.
Hello there
I make tarhana every year, but when I remove it as wet tarhana, the soup I make smells like raw dough. Where could I be doing wrong.
You may be adding too much flour and making it less sour. The sourdough method I use makes it sour faster. When you make it with the measures in this recipe, you will notice that I use less flour. Yours sincerely
Good luck to you.
As a tarhana lover, I love to eat all kinds of it. Since dry tarhana requires a very laborious process (like every beauty), I have never tried it until today.
My mother used to make it and we couldn't wait for it to dry and make the soup while it was doughy; My mother would not prefer it because it has a slightly sharp taste compared to dry tarhana.
I would like to try this method of yours, but "sourdough" is a must. The question of where I can find sourdough makes me think. Can you have a suggestion? Many thanks, love...
Hello, You can also make Sevgi sourdough yourself. Here is the recipe http://mutfaksirlari.com/evde-eksi-maya-yapimi-hazirlik-asamasi-ve-1-gun.html Unfortunately, I don't know of a place that sells it ready made.
In addition, it is not a must, it can be added without adding it, but the fermentation and souring time only lengthens. For example, you need to sour the yogurt for 1-2 days, not 3 day. After adding flour, the maturation time goes a little further.
Thank you very much for your answer. So first sourdough and then fresh tarhana. Love…