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Homemade Olive Roll Bread

Release Date: 13-05-2020
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Since we make all kinds of bread at home, I have a delicious bread recipe that you can enjoy at iftar and sahur. In fact, it doesn't even want any other additives with its delicious olive mortar :)

loaf of bread

While preparing this recipe, I used JR.SOUS CHEF's bruschetta paste and organic pasta sauce for the filling. I often use tomato sauces to save time while doing something in the kitchen with our little one. I also pay attention to using seasonal and organic products as much as possible. 

I am sure that it will be very useful for those who prepare every meal at home, like me, so I would like to present the JR.SOUS CHEF Ramadan Package to my 3 followers. Details are on my instagram account :)

Ingredients for Homemade Olive Roll Bread Recipe

  • 500 g flour
  • 1 pack of instant yeast
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar
  • 320 ml water 
  • 1 tablespoon of salt

For internal mortar:

  • 1 jar of JR.SOUS CHEF Bruschetta Paste
  • 4 tablespoons JR.SOUS CHEF Organic Pasta Sauce


  1. Take the yeast in a kneading bowl, add 1 glass of water and 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, mix and dissolve. Wait for 5 minutes for it to foam. 
  2. Add the flour, the salt you have dissolved in some water, and the remaining water and knead a dough that does not stick to the hand and the bowl.
  3. Stretch the gathered dough or cover it with a damp cloth and leave it to ferment for 1 hour. (dough should double)
  4. Take the fermented dough on the floured counter and open it in a rectangular shape in the size of your mold.
  5. Spread the sauce on it, spread the paste on the sauce and roll the dough.
  6. Take the bread into the baton mold you have greased, and bake for 200 minutes in a preheated oven at 30 degrees. Slice and serve after cooling.

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