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Homemade Masks and Tonics According to Skin Types

Release Date: 14-07-2010
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Making these skin mask formulas is pretty easy. We already use most of the materials at home, the mixtures are very practical and economical. If you do not have an allergic body, you can easily apply your own skin masks at home.

Almond Mask


Honey and Egg Mask

Ingredients for Homemade Masks and Tonics Recipe According to Skin Types

1 teaspoon of moisturizing cream
1 eggs
1 tablespoons of almond oil
1 tablespoon of honey

Preparation of:

1. Separate the egg white and yolk. Add drops of almond oil to the egg yolk and mix.
2. Then slowly add the moisturizing cream and honey.
3. Whisk the egg white lightly in a separate bowl, add the egg yolk and whisk until it reaches a spreadable consistency.

Use of:

After spreading the mixture on the face and neck area with a wide brush or cotton, wait at least half an hour and wash your skin with warm water. You will notice that your skin is moisturized and refreshed.

Milk Tonic

Ingredients for Homemade Masks and Tonics Recipe According to Skin Types

2 tablespoons dried or one tablespoon freshly picked herbs (lavender, mallow, calendula)
2/3 cup boiled milk
1 coffee filter paper

Preparation of:

Put the milk in a bowl with two tablespoons of dried herbs or one tablespoon of freshly picked herbs. Close your mouth and wait until it cools down. Filter with the help of filter paper (or cheesecloth) and store in a sterile bottle in the refrigerator.

Use of:

Don't forget to apply your moisturizing cream right after using this tonic, whose effect you will notice on your skin in a short time!


Almond Mask

Ingredients for Homemade Masks and Tonics Recipe According to Skin Types

50 g peeled almonds
10 g oat flour
10 g of orange flavor
Some milk

Preparation of:

1. After beating the almonds well, add warm water and knead until the mixture is difficult to separate from the spoon.
2. Add oat flour and orange flavoring to this mixture and leave for an hour and a half.
3. Add milk to the mixture you have rested and mix thoroughly until it reaches a paste-like consistency.

Use of
Apply the mask to your face, massage with soft movements and leave it on your face for 30 minutes. Then wash your face with plenty of lukewarm water. You won't believe the smoothness of your skin!

Rose Tonic

Ingredients for Homemade Masks and Tonics Recipe According to Skin Types

Half a glass of white wine
2 tablespoons of rose water
1 pinch of dried rose petals
1 coffee filter

Preparation of:

1. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl and leave for 1 hour.
2. Then filter it with the help of filter paper (it can also be cheesecloth).

Use of:

Apply the tonic to your skin with the help of a cotton ball and apply your moisturizer when it dries.

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"Homemade Masks and Tonics According to Skin Types5 comments for ”

  • on August 09, 2012 at 11:58

    hello, my t region is very oily, even now when I rub my hand, incredible oil comes to my hand. I want a skin like smooth and zinc :) now there are black spots too and there are holes on the cheek and nose as if it was a needle, I am very uncomfortable can you help me how natural things are I can apply it at home myself and I am not a make-up person. I do eye make-up except for special days. I usually wash my skin with mascara and pencil in the room.

    • Sept. 11, 2013 at 18:12 pm

      I suggest you a mixture of yogurt and lemon :-)

  • March 14, 2012 at 01:55

    I also think that almond oil makes hair removal.

  • On April 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM

    Doesn't it cause hair growth when almond oil is applied to the face? My skin is dry. I add almond oil there. I would appreciate it if you could answer it.

    • on May 16, 2011 at 09:27

      Mr. pebinos, I'm a beautician.. we don't find it appropriate for almond oil to directly contact the skin.. If your skin is very dry, make 1 yogurt mask a week. apply it to the area.. Let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes, first clean it with warm water and then wash it off with cold water..cold water prevents your skin from sagging and it is a natural need for your skin..if you find these useful, you can contact me at my address. have a nice day.


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"Homemade Masks and Tonics According to Skin Types5 comments for ”

  • on August 09, 2012 at 11:58

    hello, my t region is very oily, even now when I rub my hand, incredible oil comes to my hand. I want a skin like smooth and zinc :) now there are black spots too and there are holes on the cheek and nose as if it was a needle, I am very uncomfortable can you help me how natural things are I can apply it at home myself and I am not a make-up person. I do eye make-up except for special days. I usually wash my skin with mascara and pencil in the room.

    • Sept. 11, 2013 at 18:12 pm

      I suggest you a mixture of yogurt and lemon :-)

  • March 14, 2012 at 01:55

    I also think that almond oil makes hair removal.

  • On April 12, 2011 at 12:38 PM

    Doesn't it cause hair growth when almond oil is applied to the face? My skin is dry. I add almond oil there. I would appreciate it if you could answer it.

    • on May 16, 2011 at 09:27

      Mr. pebinos, I'm a beautician.. we don't find it appropriate for almond oil to directly contact the skin.. If your skin is very dry, make 1 yogurt mask a week. apply it to the area.. Let it sit for 15 or 20 minutes, first clean it with warm water and then wash it off with cold water..cold water prevents your skin from sagging and it is a natural need for your skin..if you find these useful, you can contact me at my address. have a nice day.


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