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Homemade Drinks to Refresh You at Iftar

Release Date: 07-08-2012
4 5 5 1

Hello dear friends,

If I say things are over my head again, there is a place. When the projects and the heat combined, my daily sleep began to not exceed 4-5 hours. When I go to bed, I see photos of food passing over my head, that's that degree :) It must be because I cook all the time, I don't want anything right now, if there isn't, I go for drinks.

Since this is the case, I decided to collect some of the drinks that I love to prepare at home and list them for you. During Ramadan, you can prepare drinks that will refresh you from these practical recipes.

Of course, you can consume it not only for iftar but also for sahur.

The choice of compote, compote or lemonade is yours…


Pear Compote

You can go to the recipe by clicking on the drink names.

Raisin Compote with Dried Apricots
Peppermint Buttermilk
Green Tea Ice Tea
Tamarind Sherbet
Plum Sorbet
Cherry Compote
Grape Compote
Pear Compote
Black Grape Compote
Mint Basil Lemonade

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