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Herbed Rolled Bread

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 18 oy 4,22/5)
Portion: Max - 10 People
Preparation: 60 min
Cooking: 45 min
18 4.22 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

As my Days with Usla approached the internship period, our exams started to increase. For the last 2 weeks, we have been taking either written or practice exams. Presentation and timing are as important as taste in practice exams.

105 min

Our exam this week was bread. The most important criteria were the use of yeast, more precisely whether the bread dough was well leavened, whether it was cooked correctly or not, and hygiene. Of course, we were asked to prepare and present our own recipes from the basic recipes we learned.


We prepared delicious breads as a class. Presentation, taste, everything was great, but none of us could deliver the bread on time and put it on the chef's table. For this reason, our 25 points were broken from the timing :) Let's say full points for the next exams :)


Now let's come to our bread...

I can say that it is the most delicious bread I have prepared and eaten recently. Especially if it is served with fish dishes or different seafood, the palate is cracked.

If you have a powerful mixer, you can quickly prepare your dough by putting all the ingredients in the bowl. If you do not have a stand mixer, you can knead this dough using the hook or spiral dough end of the hand mixer. The important thing is to knead an elastic dough by hand or with a mixer. Since we use warm water while kneading, the dough ferments very well.


I give the measurements of the ingredients in grams because this is the best way to measure bread dough. Cup sizes are not standard in every house. While my glass of water is 130 g flour, your glass can be bigger or smaller. Cup sizes are still not common enough. A small and affordable kitchen scale will serve you for many years and will enable you to prepare more accurate recipes. For the scales in our store kitchen scales I recommend you take a look.

Those who say 2 loaves are too much for us can prepare a half measure of bread...


Ingredients for Herbed Rolled Bread Recipe

  • 505 g wholemeal flour
  • 420 gr white flour
  • 30 g fresh yeast
  • 600 ml of warm water
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar

For internal mortar:

  • 1 bunch of spring onions
  • 1 bunch parsley
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 each red, green and yellow bell pepper
  • 3 tablespoon of olive oil
  • 1 spoonful butter
  • salt and pepper

To ride on it:

  • 1 egg yolks
  • 4-5 tablespoons of milk


  1. Take the yeast in a bowl and melt it by adding 1 tea glass of water to it. In a deep and wide kneading bowl, knead all the ingredients until you get an elastic dough that will separate from the bowl. (If you are going to make it in a mixer, take all the ingredients into the mixer's bowl and knead at low speed until you get an elastic dough)
  2. Stretch the gathered dough or cover it with a damp cloth and leave it to ferment for 1 hour. (Dough will double) While the dough is fermenting, wash and dry the spring onions and parsley and chop finely.
  3. Peel the garlic and chop finely. Remove the seeds from the bell peppers and cut them into cubes.
  4. Put the butter and olive oil in a saucepan. Add the garlic and peppers and sauté for 2 minutes on medium heat.
  5. Add the onion, parsley and spices, sauté for 2 more minutes and remove from the heat and leave to cool.
  6. Divide the fermented dough into 2 meringues. Take it to the floured counter and open it in the shape of a rectangle in the size of your mold.
  7. Spread half of the mortar you have prepared evenly on the dough and roll it into the mold you have greased.
  8. After applying the same process to the other dough, brush milk and egg yolk on the loaves.
  9. Bake in a preheated oven at 190 degrees for 45 minutes. Slice and serve after cooling.

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"Herbed Rolled BreadOne comment on

  • Sept. 25, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    I've been a fan of you and your recipes for a very long time. I've been obsessed with bread lately. My first bread experience was terrible, but I will not give up. I'm in love with this bread. I wonder how we will get results if we make this bread with sourdough. Can we apply sourdough to every recipe?


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"Herbed Rolled BreadOne comment on

  • Sept. 25, 2013 at 10:59 pm

    I've been a fan of you and your recipes for a very long time. I've been obsessed with bread lately. My first bread experience was terrible, but I will not give up. I'm in love with this bread. I wonder how we will get results if we make this bread with sourdough. Can we apply sourdough to every recipe?


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