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How to make Rolled Güllaç with Rose Pudding? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 minutes, Güllaç, how to make Güllaç, Güllaç recipe, Güllüç Güllaç, Güllaç Pudding Güllaç, Easy Güllaç, Practical Güllaç Recipe, Güllaç Pudding, Ramadan Desserts, Pakmaya Iftar Menus 2018

Rolled Gullac with Rose Pudding

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 2 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Max - 6 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
2 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

This is our first recipe for Ramadan, the rose of Ramadan, Güllaç :) If Ramadan is the sultan of 11 months, then the sultan of Ramadan is Güllaç. As you know, I open with Güllaç on the first day of Ramadan every year. Let's start sweet so that the dessert continues :) I try different versions for you every time. This year, I came with a very good recipe :) For those who missed it just before, what is Güllaç? Where does it come from? Let's explain.

Until the middle of the 15th century, in the Ottoman Empire, the people used to open and stock corn starch dough. He used to wet the phyllo dough with milk and sugar and eat it because it was in contact with the air. With the addition of rose water in time, "rose foodThe dessert named ” came out, and just as “milk ash” turned into “rice pudding”, its name was “rice pudding”.gullac”Was.

30 min

It is known that it was first taken to the palace in 1489. Güllaç dessert was created by pouring the milk boiled with sugar, one by one, on white leaves, and placing nuts such as walnuts, almonds and hazelnuts in the middle.

As time passed and the materials at our disposal increased, many different recipes emerged. It is possible to catch the taste of rose water with rose pudding by making it even more practical.

You can try it by watching this practical and delicious recipe video.


Ingredients for Rose Pudding Rolled Gullac Recipe

  • 1 pack Pakmaya Rose Pudding
  • 6-7 Güllaç leaves
  • 2,5 cups of milk to cook the pudding
  • 3 glasses of milk to soak the Güllaç
  • 1 pack Pakmaya Sugar Vanillin
  • 1 cup powdered sugar

For decoration:

  • Fresh Fruits
  • cracked walnut


  1. Cook the Rose Pudding with 2,5 cups of milk until it thickens, take it off the stove and let it cool.
  2. To wet the Güllaç phyllo dough, put the milk in a saucepan, add granulated sugar and vanilla sugar and cook on low heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Divide the Güllaç leaf into 2 parts. Take the rosemary that you cut in half on a tray or in my debt, and pour warm milk on it.
  4. When the Güllaç leaf becomes soft enough, distribute the pudding you have cooled to the wide part of the leaf with the help of a dessert spoon.
  5. Drizzle cracked walnuts on top and roll.
  6. Just like the rose pastry, wrap the roll and place it on the serving tray.
  7. When all the phyllo is finished, pour the remaining milk into the gullaç on the serving plate.
  8. Serve garnished with fruit and walnuts.

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