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How to make Güllaç with Pudding in Cups? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, Güllaç, Güllaç recipes, Güllaç Güllaç, iftar desserts, Fruit Güllaç, Pakmaya Rose Pudding, Pudding Güllaç, Pudding Recipes, Ramadan Desserts, Pakmaya Iftar Menus 2018

Güllaç with Pudding in Cups

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 5 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
5 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The absence of Ramadan gullac I have a very practical and delicious recipe for it :) To tell the truth, I used to be not very good with Güllaç. Whatever it was, it seemed a little bland to me. Over the years, I have realized that I get exactly the flavor I am looking for when I prepare it with pudding or pudding.

30 min

Of course, when you revive its soft taste with red fruits, it turns into one of my dream milk desserts.

Since I use pudding, I kept the amount of sugar low, but you can increase it according to your taste.

with me when you try my recipe Don't forget to share on instagram :) Your posts really make me happy. Also, I would love to share the recipes you use with your photos in my story :) My Instagram account: @kitchensirlari

You can also add to my other yeast and pudding recipes and iftar menus. Don't forget to take a look!


Ingredients for Güllaç Recipe with Cup Pudding

  • 7 gullac leaves
  • 3,5 – 4 glasses of milk
  • Half a teaspoon of granulated sugar

For between:

  • 1 pack Pakmaya Rose Pudding
  • 2,5 water glass milk

For decoration:

  • Currant
  • Raspberry
  • Filet Almond
  • Net or powdered Pistachio


  1. Place the milk and sugar in a medium saucepan. Heat, stirring, until it reaches boiling point.
  2. Put the first gullac leaf in a medium-sized debt and wet it with a little milk.
  3. Follow the same process for each layer, pour and spread the pudding you prepared on the 4th floor.
  4. Lay the remaining three layers wet with milk.
  5. After placing the last leaf, pour the remaining milk on it and put it in the refrigerator to rest and absorb.
  6. Portion the Güllaç in the cup sizes you will use with the help of a circular mold.
  7. Serve cold with garnish.



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