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How to make Grilled Chicken Pasta with Cheddar Sauce? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 min, cheddar sauce recipe, cheddar sauce pasta, how to make cheddar sauce pasta, cheddar sauce potatoes, homemade cheddar sauce, how to make cheedar sauce at home, Pastas

Grilled Chicken Pasta with Cheddar Sauce

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 4 oy 4,25/5)
Portion: Max - 2 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
4 4.25 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The last recipe of the week is a delicious pasta with cheddar sauce, which I have made even more practical this time. I say simplified because I have already prepared broccoli with cheddar sauce materials are much less.

Since there is cheese in it, the sauce starts to freeze quickly. If you make pasta, grill and sauce at the same time, you will have the opportunity to serve them all hot. But I can't do it now, maybe if you say in a hurry, prepare your sauce and set it aside.

30 min

Take the chicken back to the stove without removing the chicken from the grill for the last time and start heating it. If the consistency is too thick for you, add some milk to it and heat it by mixing. Thus, you will see that it becomes the old fluid very quickly.

You can use cheddar sauce not only on pasta, but also on pasta. baked potato with scallopsYou can also serve it on top of grilled meats or hamburgers.

Have a delicious and enjoyable weekend :)


Ingredients for Grilled Chicken Pasta with Cheddar Sauce

• 4 chicken thighs (bones removed and opened)
• 1 capia pepper
• 1 yellow bell pepper (optional)
• 2-3 pieces of broccoli (150 – 200 gr)
• half a pack of pasta
• 2 liters of water to boil the pasta
• salt

Ingredients for Cheddar Sauce:

• 1 tablespoon of butter
• 2 tablespoons of flour
• 1 cloves of garlic
• salt and pepper
• 200 ml of milk
• 150 gr cheddar cheese


1. Remove the seeds from the peppers and cut them lengthwise into 2 parts. Oil it a little and cook it in a cast iron pan or on the grill and set aside.
2. Put the pasta water in the pot. Add salt to it and when it boils, add the pasta.
3. Add the broccoli to the pasta water and cook.
4. Cook the chicken in the cast iron skillet you heated while the pasta is cooking. Slice the cooked chicken with a knife.
5. Drain the cooked pasta, add a little olive oil and mix. Cut the boiled broccoli into small pieces.
6. Add the grilled peppers, chicken and broccoli to the pasta and mix.
7. For the sauce, fry the flour and butter in a saucepan.
8. When it gives its smell and starts to turn yellow, add the milk and whisk.
9. Add 1 clove of crushed garlic and cook, stirring, until it thickens.
10. Add the grated cheddar cheese to the thickened sauce and mix until it melts.
11. Divide the pasta on the plates. Serve with sauce.

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