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How to make Grilled Sea Bass? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 25 min, grilling sea bass, how to grill fish in the oven, how to cook sea bass the best, how to fillet of sea bass, grill or pan for sea bass, grill sauce for sea bass, how to cook sea bass, How to Clean Sea Bass, fillet of sea bass on the barbecue, Sea products

Grilled seabass

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 6 oy 4,33/5)
Portion: Max - 2 People
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 15 min
6 4.33 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Due to the heat in Istanbul these days, I try to be in the summer house as much as possible. I've decided to commute as I have work to do. As you can see, I'm a summer addict, and this causes my hand to always go for more practical recipes. I usually prepare recipes that do not take much effort to chop, fry, cook in its own juice or barbecue (because the barbecue is constantly burning :).

25 min

Those who have been following for years know that I am not very good with fish. It doesn't make much difference in stewing or frying or in the oven. But when it comes to fish cooked on the grill, things change, I consume it very fondly. In my opinion, there is nothing as effortless as fish cooked on the barbecue in the summer. You don't need too many ingredients, salt, pepper and olive oil...

So if you say whether the sea bass is in a pan or on the grill, I would definitely say it is better on the grill.

Of course, there are some alternatives. Those who want to add an extra flavor can add 1 clove of chopped garlic, fresh rosemary or fresh bay leaves cut in half to the olive oil where they will keep the fish.

Those who say that they will fully enjoy the fish can also prepare it with just salt and olive oil.

For those who say where should I burn the grill now Baked Sea Bass recipe here. For those who say they will bake in the oven but want to do something a little different. Sea Bass on Paper my recipe is here.

Giant service for those who say they have never cleaned sea bass! To fillet without sorting How to Clean Sea Bass and Remove Fillet? Video explanation is also here.


Ingredients for Grilled Sea Bass Recipe

  • 1 sea bass per person (around 550-600 gr)
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • mill black pepper

For service:

  • lemon slices
  • red onion slices
  • tomato upon request
  • curly on demand


  1. Wash the cleaned and cleaned fish thoroughly and dry it inside and out with towel paper.
  2. Take the seabass in a bowl and add olive oil on top and grease the outside of it. Let it rest for 15-20 minutes (if you are going to add garlic, bay leaves, etc., add it to this oil)
  3. Put the grill on the barbecue that passes the initial heat and turns into embers and wait for it to warm up well.
  4. Put the sea bass that you drained the oil on the heated grill. Cook until the grill marks appear on the first surface and the fish comes off the grill easily. (If it doesn't separate, it means it's not fully cooked, don't touch it because it sticks)
  5. Cook the other side in the same way and serve hot.

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