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Fruit Salad in a Melon Bowl

Release Date: 28-09-2010
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Making and eating fruit salad is a joy in itself. A treat I make for my special guests every Ramadan before tea after iftar is a fruit salad in a melon or watermelon bowl. Sometimes, if I have plenty of time, I also make small fruit baskets from melons.

melon bowl

You can use a melon knife to make the fruit balls inside the fruit salad. But if you do not have such a knife, you can cut the fruits into cubes. The melons I use in this recipe are biga melons. You can use different fruits according to the season. If the fruit is tasteless to you, you can sweeten it with powdered sugar. love..

Ingredients for Fruit Salad Recipe in a Melon Bowl

1 small melon (2 for 1 people)
2 kiwis
1 peach
1 cups of grapes
5 apricots
Optional cherry or strawberry

Chocolate sauce ready to sweeten


1- First, divide your small melon into two equal widths. Clean the seeds with the help of a nut. Remove the fleshy part of the melon with the help of a melon knife in small circles.
2- Wash all the fruits. Peel the kiwi and peach and make small spheres with the help of a spoon.
3- Cut the rest of your mash (except grapes) into small pieces and mix all the fruits in a deep bowl.
4- Divide the fruit salad into the melon bowls you prepared beforehand. Cool in the refrigerator, drizzle with chocolate sauce just before serving.

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