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French Fries with Tomato Sauce

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 2 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 10 min
Cooking: 20 min
2 5 5 1

Hello dear friends,

We are together again after a short holiday break... I found time to spend more time with family elders this holiday compared to previous holidays :) This situation allowed me to have a great time and cook a lot with them :)

I think it is a feast in itself when it is made with tomato sauce french fries, which are indispensable for holiday breakfasts and picnics for us :)

When I say to give it its due, I mean that it is made with ripe and delicious tomatoes of summer. When it is made with ripe, sweet-sour tomatoes, there is no need to add vinegar and sugar to the sauce.

The other issue is the potatoes cooked to a golden consistency :) If you want the potatoes to be golden yellow and crispy, you should first buy french fries from the market or market. If you use mini-boiled or thick-skinned, slightly softened potatoes, no matter what you do, they don't get fried as you want. When you try to fry a little too much, that golden yellow color turns into a burnt tone.

30 min

After chopping the fried potatoes, wash them in 1-2 waters to drain the starch and leave them in 1 tablespoon of vinegar for a while. Dry as much as possible so that it does not crack and burst, and fry in hot oil.

The result will be better if you use a deep frying pan or a strainer frying pan for frying.

See you in another mom recipe :)


Ingredients for French Fries with Tomato Sauce

  • 3 medium-sized potatoes
  • optionally 10-12 sweet green peppers
  • 1 tablespoons of vinegar
  • su

To fry:

  • Vegetable oil
  • Salt

For the Tomato Sauce:

  • 3 large ripe tomatoes
  • 3 cloves of garlic
  • 3 tablespoons of oil
  • salt


  1. Peel the potatoes and chop the fries (slightly thinner than a fingertip). Rinse the chopped potatoes with water and let them rest for 15-20 minutes by putting them in water to which you have added a tablespoon of vinegar.
  2. For the tomato sauce, grate the tomatoes (be careful not to grate the skins).
  3. Take vegetable oil in the pan, add finely chopped garlic and sauté lightly (be careful not to burn it)
  4. Add the grated tomatoes to the garlic. Add salt and cook, stirring until the water evaporates.
  5. Fry the potatoes, which you drain and remove excess moisture with a towel, in hot and deep oil until golden brown.
  6. Salt the fried potatoes and put them on a serving plate. If desired, fry the peppers that you cut into large pieces after the potatoes for 1 minute and sprinkle them over the potatoes.
  7. Finally, serve by spreading the tomato sauce you prepared.


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"French Fries with Tomato SauceOne comment on

  • On April 08, 2022 at 10:30 PM

    hello why do french fries soak in vinegar


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"French Fries with Tomato SauceOne comment on

  • On April 08, 2022 at 10:30 PM

    hello why do french fries soak in vinegar


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