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Fig Apricot Pie

Release Date: 11-02-2009
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The cake prepared by Mrs. Hilal is the kind I have never tried before. That's why it piqued my interest. I will try soon. I wish the birthday boy a long life.

chocolate cake
Pearl Apricot Pie

Cake Ingredients:
150 g of margarine
3 eggs
2 soup spoons of cocoa
2 tablespoons of milk
1+1/4 cup flour
1,5 teaspoon of baking powder
1 glass of sugar

For inside:
10 dried apricots
5 dried figs
1 pack of cream filling

For the above :
200ml cream
2 packs of dark chocolate

For Decoration:
5 tablespoons of granulated sugar
Some wax paper

Fabrication :

First of all, apricots and figs are kept whole in hot water.

For the cake: Eggs and sugar are whisked well, other ingredients are added and whipped at high speed for 2 minutes. A suitable container is oiled and baked in a preheated oven.
After cooking, it is cooled and cut into 2 pieces.

For decoration: 5 tablespoons of sugar are thoroughly melted in a deep bowl. When it turns color. It is poured into strips with the help of a spoon on a dampened oiled paper and left to cool.

For inside: The filling is prepared according to the recipe on the cream. Pearls and apricots are taken out of the water and their water is filtered. It is cut into small cubes and added to the cream. This mixture is placed in the middle of the cut cake and spread. It is placed on our other cake.

For the above : Chocolates are melted in a bain-marie. Add cream and mix well. It is spread on our cake and put in the cupboard. Our caramels are taken on a textured paper and decorated on our cake.


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