Vegetable Fettuchine
Pasta must be one of the most delicious and satisfying foods in the world. You can add whatever you want to it, and you can create hundreds of varieties. It is very practical to cook and serve, and as it is known, it is not fattening. When it is made plain, its calories are even less than bread, think about it, dietitians recommend 2 tablespoons of pasta instead of 4 slices of bread in their exchange lists. So the sauce and cooking method that makes the pasta fattening, for example, I like roasted pasta and pasta with cream sauce :)
When making Fettuchine with Vegetables, you don't have to stick to the vegetables in the recipe, you can create brand new flavors with seasonal vegetables. Love…
There are some tricks I pay attention to when cooking pasta. I'm not lazy, I wrote it for you.
Tips for Cooking Pasta:
– Pasta must be boiled in plenty of water,
– Before adding the pasta, salt or bouillon should be added to the boiling water,
– Add 1-2 tablespoons of oil so that the pasta does not stick together,
– If a firmer or softer is not desired, the time written on the bag should be followed,
– It should be stirred at intervals during cooking so that it does not stick to the bottom of the pan and cooks evenly.
– To get the consistency you want, the pasta should be drained as soon as it is cooked.
– For the filtering process, a fine-hole strainer should be used, not a large-hole strainer.
– If pasta is to be made with sauce, the boiling process should be done as soon as the sauce is cooked so that the pasta does not get cold.
Ingredients for Vegetable Fettuchine Recipe
- 1 pack of fettucine pasta
- red meat pepper (paprika)
- green pepper
- carrot
- mushroom farm’s equipment
- pumpkin
- 1 package. raw cream
- 1-2 tablespoons of olive oil
- 2-3 slices of fresh cheddar cheese
- seasoning on request
- salt
- Boil the pasta in boiling water with olive oil and salt added (I cook it for 10-15 minutes).
- Chop the vegetables in julienne (thin, long), put them in a Teflon or sheet pan and sauté in olive oil.
- Add 1 pack of raw cream and spices on it, cook for another 2-3 minutes.
- Add to the pasta that you have filtered through cold water and mix.
- Take the pasta on a serving plate and serve with sliced cheddar cheese.
I will definitely try. It looks very nice. I've never used raw cream, I hope I can handle it
Beyond excellent, I loved the presentation. Thank you for this nice and useful information about pasta.