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How to make Fettush Salad? There are also 5 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 min, arabic appetizers, arabic salad, Fattoush, Fatuş, Fettuş, Fetuş, lavash salad, Levant cuisine, practical salads, Practical Recipes
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Fettush Salad

Hello Dear Friends,

This weekend, we went to a pleasant cafe serving Turkish and Lebanese cuisine for breakfast. I had the opportunity to taste a delicious salad called Fette. I liked it so much that I decided to prepare it at home on Sunday. When I was preparing the fetta Fettush The opportunity arose to prepare the salad as well.

20 DK

The most important feature of this salad, which is known by many names as Fettuş, Fattoush, Fetuş or Fatuş, is that it contains fried lavash. It is also called pita, but it is made with lavash, which is made in the East, especially prepared by the people of Mardin. For this, instead of using tortilla (round lavash), I recommend using fresh lavash from a lavash oven.

You might ask, what if I bake and dry these lavash instead of frying them? You can oil it a little and make it crispy in the oven, but I would definitely recommend frying it to get the most delicious form.

with you this week slices I will also share the recipe. table You can find the recipe here.



  • 1 lavash
  • 1 cucumbers
  • 4-5 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 small onion
  • 1 large pinch of parsley
  • pomegranate
  • sumac syrup
  • olive oil
  • salt
  • feta cheese
  • limon

How to Make Fettush Salad Recipe?

  1. Cut the lavash into small triangles and fry in oil and transfer to a paper towel lined plate.
  2. Cut the cherry tomatoes into 4 parts. Cut the cucumber lengthwise into 4 parts and slice coarsely.
  3. Chop the onion piyaz. Chop the parsley coarsely.
  4. Mix the pomegranate syrup, sumac syrup, lemon juice and olive oil by adding a little salt.
  5. Take some of the fried lavash on a serving plate and add the salad ingredients you cut on top.
  6. Add a little more lavash and mix.
  7. Finally, serve with a sprinkling of feta cheese.

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"Fettush Salad5 comments for ”

  • On April 20, 2021 at 20:31 PM

    It was very tasty. Health to your hands.

  • Oct. 08, 2018 at 15:01 PM

    Hello, is it okay to make a lot of lavash, fry it and throw it in the freezer? Or do you have any other suggestions?

    • Oct. 09, 2018 at 11:02 PM

      Hello, even if you freeze them as they wait, they lose their initial crunch and flavor. My suggestion is to freshly fry the salad before serving. love.

      • On January 25, 2020 at 18:59 am

        Fettuş original also includes lettuce. So the main ingredient is lettuce. I ate in Lebanon. My boyfriend is also there. That's why lettuce is a must.

  • on May 23, 2017 at 22:21

    Fettuş Salad is our favorite salad. I learned it from a Lebanese person. It is a very different recipe from your recipe. It is a salad with lots of greens in it. (Green lettuce, purslane, mint, parsley, spring onions) All are finely chopped, ripe tomatoes and cucumbers are also finely chopped. It is chopped and added. Finally, fried lavash is placed on it. (It is more suitable, sold as Aleppo bread in the markets here). Lemon, olive oil and pomegranate syrup are added. I recommend you to try it once :)


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"Fettush Salad5 comments for ”

  • On April 20, 2021 at 20:31 PM

    It was very tasty. Health to your hands.

  • Oct. 08, 2018 at 15:01 PM

    Hello, is it okay to make a lot of lavash, fry it and throw it in the freezer? Or do you have any other suggestions?

    • Oct. 09, 2018 at 11:02 PM

      Hello, even if you freeze them as they wait, they lose their initial crunch and flavor. My suggestion is to freshly fry the salad before serving. love.

      • On January 25, 2020 at 18:59 am

        Fettuş original also includes lettuce. So the main ingredient is lettuce. I ate in Lebanon. My boyfriend is also there. That's why lettuce is a must.

  • on May 23, 2017 at 22:21

    Fettuş Salad is our favorite salad. I learned it from a Lebanese person. It is a very different recipe from your recipe. It is a salad with lots of greens in it. (Green lettuce, purslane, mint, parsley, spring onions) All are finely chopped, ripe tomatoes and cucumbers are also finely chopped. It is chopped and added. Finally, fried lavash is placed on it. (It is more suitable, sold as Aleppo bread in the markets here). Lemon, olive oil and pomegranate syrup are added. I recommend you to try it once :)


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