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Egg Salad

Release Date: 08-12-2010
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With the age of the person, the taste of the palate also changes. In the past, I could not eat eggs in anything and cold. I've recently realized that mixing it into other things or tasting it cold doesn't bother me as much as it used to.

boiled egg salad

When making egg salad, you can use lettuce, arugula and any greens that you think would suit your salad at home. You can serve it by seasoning it with different spices. When presenting, be careful not to mix the salad and eggs too much, because the salad that looks like slurry does not look very appetizing.

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Ingredients for Egg Salad Recipe

  • 3 (hard) boiled eggs
  • 4 sprigs of scallions
  • 6-7 cherry tomatoes
  • fresh mint
  • dill
  • parsley
  • olive oil
  • Red pepper
  • Black pepper
  • Salt
  • Optional finely chopped lettuce and arugula


  1. Wash and strain all green material. Finely chop the dried greens and tomatoes. Separate the mint leaves with your hands.
  2. Peel the hard-boiled eggs and chop them without breaking them too much.
  3. Take the greens you prepared on the serving plate. Sprinkle the eggs on top. Serve with olive oil and seasonings.

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