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How to make Easy Pancakes from Yufka? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 10 minutes, pancakes, how to make pancakes, pancakes from ready-made dough, recipes with ready-made dough, practical pancakes, practical meals, pancakes from dough, Pastries

Easy Pancake From Dough

Release Date: 25-07-2016
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Hello Dear Friends,

As life has gotten harder lately, the easy way of eating has become more acceptable. Although we try not to compromise our taste, we try to spend as little time as possible on eating and cooking. I've never been very fond of eating out. Although it may sound interesting as someone who travels a lot, this is the reality. Even the simplest breakfast with cheese and tomatoes that I chose myself, rather than being put in front of me, is enough to make me happy.

10 min

On Wednesdays, I always buy fresh yufka from the local market or from the phyllo shop in the neighborhood. If I need 3 phyllo dough, I add 1-2 more. Mostly for breakfast, but sometimes in the evening when I say let's do a little skipping and close the food section, I prepare practical sausage and cheese pancakes.

If you are going to use the phyllo that you bought from the market, not the phyllo, you can make it softer by sprinkling a little milk or water before adding the filling.


Ingredients for the Easy Pancake Recipe from Yufka

  • 1 fresh phyllo
  • 1 egg white or water (to stick the dough)

For internal mortar:

  • 1 teaspoon grated cheddar cheese
  • 3-4 sausages
  • salt
  • black pepper

For the pan:

  • 2 teaspoon of butter



  1. Grate the cheddar cheese. Slice the sausage thinly and then cut it into 2-3 pieces and crumble it.
  2. Lay the yufka on the counter, sprinkle the grated cheddar cheese and sliced ​​sausages on top of the yufka.
  3.  First, fold the dough so that the right and left parts meet in the middle, apply a thin strip of egg white to the edges facing you.
  4. Then fold the top and bottom of the phyllo to form a square.
  5. Heat the Teflon pan, throw 1 piece of butter into it and let it melt and lubricate.
  6. Place the pancake you prepared in the heated pan. Cook by shaking gently so that it does not stick and the surface is oiled.
  7. When one side of the pancake is browned, turn the other side and cook until golden brown as in the photo.
  8. Take the cooked flatbread on the cutting board, wrap it or serve it by slicing.

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