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The Dukan Diet: The Strengthening Phase

Release Date: 23-05-2012
4 5 5 1

Hello dear friends, it's been almost a month since I went to the strengthening phase, but I can only find the opportunity to write.

Many comments were made throughout my diet, some said it was unhealthy, some saw the weight I lost and started dieting with me.

Our diet, which is now difficult and disciplines you like me, relaxes you if you think you have reached the weight you want. I lost 12 kilos in total, actually my goal was 55 kilos, but when I saw that even the clothes I wore 6 years ago are slightly looser now, I decided to say enough is enough.


For some reason, everyone who sees it says Dukan's doctorate has been cancelled. The reason why his doctorate title was taken away is not the diet method. Hee, I am not a defender of this brain, but his method really worked for me. Not everyone can lose weight in the same way, and it's no one's fault, because different things can trigger each of us's bodies.

I guess the reason why it worked better for me was because I was not very fond of sweets and fruit. Of course, thanks to the diet, I was able to drink extra water and get rid of sugar.

Now, due to this phase of the diet, I try to eat 1-2 fruits every day.

For those who have not read the book (which I always say, be sure to read it, don't try to do this with what you read on websites) let me explain what is going on at this stage.

Now I have switched to strengthening in order not to regain and stabilize the weight I lost. This period is x10 days per kilo lost. Since I lost 12 kilos, I have to continue this phase for 120 days.

Protein and vegetables:

The most important plus of this period is that you can start to eat vegetables independently from meat. In other words, you were on a protein+vegetable diet one day and a pure protein diet during the cruise phase. Now you can consume protein and vegetables together or separately every day except Thursday.

One serving of fruit per day:

It is now allowed to eat 1 portion of fruit a day, but only in 1 meal, not at every meal.

Recommended fruits are strawberry, raspberry, apple, watermelon, melon, grapefruit, pear, kiwi, peach, mango.

Cherries, bananas, grapes (not to exaggerate because they contain a lot of sugar), provided that they do not exceed the limit.

So how much should you eat?

  • Apple vs. 1 pc.
  • Cherry vs. 1 bowl of small berries.
  • Melon watermelon 1 slice.

Two slices of whole grain bread a day:

I emphasize whole grain bread, definitely no white bread. I usually consume whole wheat bread that I prepared myself.
You can eat 2 slices of bread at any meal of the day. My preference is usually breakfast.

One serving of cheese per day:

In this section, old and fresh cheddar is mentioned. I continue to consume them light. It says not to exceed 40 gr. You can make toast in the morning if you want :)

Two servings of starchy foods per week:

He said to take 200 gr as a basis. Here, couscous, lentil dish, potatoes and rice that you prepared without using solid oil go into the stream. You can also prepare your own recipes from cornmeal or whole wheat flour using very little oil.

Dukan applied the following formula for this period. My Strengthening Phase is 120 days of which I am entitled to starchy food once a week for the first 60 days and twice a week for the second 1-day period.

Attention! No frying, donuts and rolls.

Lamb meat:

Lamb meat is also added to chicken and beef. There is a limitation for this meat though. Since it is oily compared to others, it can only be consumed twice a week.

Awards dinner twice a week:

During the first half of the strengthening phase, we can prepare a meal of your choice once a week. But here we have a rule like this, never two plates of the same meal.

Dukan applied the following formula for this period as well. My Empowerment Phase is 120 days of which there is a reward meal once a week for the first 60 days and twice a week for the second 1-day period.

Finally, the day many of us have been waiting for has arrived. A glass of wine can be drunk at the award dinners, if desired.

There is also a note that there is absolutely no award dinner on the same day in a row.

Pure protein once a week: Thursday

We continue the pure protein regime once a week so that the strengthening phase can be overcome without incident.

If you have already reached this stage, you know what to consume on pure protein days. Therefore, there is no need to rewrite it.

Oat bran:

We continue to eat 2 tablespoons of oat bran regularly every day. As before, we do this either by making pancakes or by mixing them into different recipes.


This diet, like all other diets, includes movement and there is a minimum of 25 minutes of walking in this phase.

It is very well explained with an example. If you used to give yourself to food when you were angry, now go for a walk. I tried it, it works 100%.


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"The Dukan Diet: The Strengthening Phase35 comments for ”

  • On November 12, 2022 at 22:03 PM

    You have prepared a very detailed article about the Dukan diet, I read it with pleasure. Good luck to you.

  • On November 07, 2012 at 13:18 PM

    mrb.dukan i have enjoyed reading your articles, i will start on monday insh.i am completing my preparations :)
    What I'm wondering is, you don't have an article about protection. It ended with reinforcement.
    Dukan? or what are you doing, you in protection?

    • On November 07, 2012 at 16:22 PM

      Hello Fatma, as you noticed, I stopped dieting after losing 16,5 kilos. Although it has been almost 3 months, I have not gained weight, but I have not returned to my old eating habits. I still don't use sugar unless I absolutely have to. I eat very little bread and try to stay away from fatty foods. At this time, I will start brisk walking, although not on a diet, to lose 3 more kilos. Love…

      • On November 08, 2012 at 00:21 PM

        So I won't have to use oat bran for the rest of my life and make protein Thursdays :)
        that's what I wanted to hear :) of course if I pay attention, I guess I didn't have to wait for Monday :)

  • on July 31, 2012 at 14:50

    My lady nilay talks about pastries in the book, even she says you can buy the pastry and prepare it with tomato sauce without using oil and eat it, I don't understand what kind of pastry is this. Also, you said that there is no bun opener here, I'm confused, aren't these pastries..if they are forbidden, we can eat whatever we want at the award dinner. In this case, börek is also prohibited: (I will ask one last thing, I think there is no bulgur in French cuisine, we can make bulgur pilaf with very little oil when preparing meals from starchy foods, right?

  • on July 29, 2012 at 02:23

    How can we reach this diet? can you give me information?

  • on July 21, 2012 at 11:59

    How can I get information about the dukan diet, how can I do it? can you help me please?

  • On June 30, 2012 at 08:58 PM

    I started the Dukan diet on 13,02,2012. I have lost 22 kilos so far and my health is very good. I am starting the strengthening phase as of July 1st. I think I will succeed in the strengthening phase as I have gained my eating habits.

  • On June 14, 2012 at 08:32 PM

    I also started the dukon diet on Sunday and lost 3.26kg. I have tried many diets so far, but this diet has been good for me. I have many floors to lose….. Lots of motivation for everyone, dear friends.

  • On June 12, 2012 at 10:54 PM

    Can you write your 1-day meals in the strengthening phase, I can't start because I don't understand, let's say I'm afraid :)

  • On June 10, 2012 at 21:55 PM

    Hello there ,
    I wonder… how many days did you stay at the same weight during the cruise phase? I started with 65, my goal is 55 now. I'm 61 three days ago. I turned 60 three days ago but still 61. I'm starting to get very angry.. I make protein one day, S+protein one day, but I made pure protein for 2 days ... still the same :(((( I eat fruit yoghurts) ..I wonder if it's because of the way, there are light fruit yogurts in the metro market..

    • On June 11, 2012 at 13:00 PM

      Hello Saynur, I had a similar hangover. A little extra walking will solve this problem. Take a break from the yogurt for a while, too. Love…

      • On June 12, 2012 at 00:05 PM

        thank you…by the way, I am a chocolate maniac….whatever you I am, I can’t stand it I bought diet chocolate from the market. but you are also one of us who has successfully done this diet :) thank you for your answers

  • On June 07, 2012 at 21:53 PM

    Hello :)
    At the end of the summer, my sister got engaged and I have extras. I decided to buy the book for this, but I couldn't find it anywhere. They say we can't find it anywhere. Or what and how much did you eat? Many thanks in advance. Best regards :)

  • On June 06, 2012 at 00:15 PM

    Ms. Nilay, I'm very happy for you, because you lost so much weight and reached your goal (for those who want to lose millet: D) ​​I bought the book long ago, I started a diet, but I couldn't continue. One reason is that the diet recipes in the book are always meat, the prices of the meat, but your recipes inspired me. I'm only 20 years old, I'm short, but my weight is 60, maybe I've gained more. :( I signed up for sports today, I will start dieting again tomorrow. I will take your encouragement and be more willful this time. Thank you very much for your writing.

  • On June 03, 2012 at 00:24 PM

    I lost 2.5 kilos in 10.5 months, now I'm going to strengthen

    • On June 10, 2012 at 21:59 PM

      I asked Ms. Nilay and let me ask you too... I started at 65. I got stuck at 61. I'm in the cruise phase.. I'm officially nervous, I'm still 61.

  • on May 30, 2012 at 21:39

    Hello, Miss Nilay. I have commented before. but I didn't get an answer. It has been a month. You are in the 3rd term. Did you continue to lose weight during the strengthening period? I'm also going into the empowerment phase soon. I wonder what kind of process awaits me. I will be glad if you answer. good day

    • on May 30, 2012 at 22:45

      Hello Ayşe, I did not continue to lose weight. He is playing 1 kilo down and 1 kilo up right now :) Best regards…

      • on May 31, 2012 at 16:53

        I was very curious :) Thank you for your reply.

  • on May 30, 2012 at 15:26

    Dear Ms. Nilay, I think you are very busy, I understand this from the frequency of the recipes you share. But I am waiting for your response to my previous comment. You can find my old comment again under this title.

  • on May 28, 2012 at 17:31

    hello.. good luck with your empowerment period. I am also in the viewing period. I wonder, did you continue to lose weight in the 3rd period? Or something like weight gain? Congratulations. I hope the weight you lost will be permanent and you will not have to deal with it again.

  • on May 27, 2012 at 23:23

    I made a comment before.. I would like to repeat this article as well.. I wonder about the blood groups of those who follow this diet and lose weight quickly.. Can you write? stay healthy..

    • on May 27, 2012 at 23:25

      I don't know about such a thing, I have not heard of this diet being associated with blood type, but I am type 0. The questions on the site do not ask about blood type either. Love…

      • on May 28, 2012 at 20:06

        Thank you very much for your answer.. It is not associated with blood type.. There is a book about nutrition according to blood group only.. A small study based on it.. I am group B. I applied the Dukan Diet, but there was no movement in the attack phase.. I left it for now.. After reading the nutrition book for blood group and you are included in my environment and now, he has type 0 blood.. These people are more successful on the Dukan Diet.. At least for now..

    • on May 30, 2012 at 21:40

      I am on the dukan diet. and my blood type is 0 Rh+. I lost about 4 kilos in 9 months.

  • on May 24, 2012 at 09:33

    My Nilay; I also wrote on my blog. I started this diet because of you. Your writings, which summed up the book perfectly, guided me very well. (Of course, after I read the book)
    The weight you lost gave me motivation.
    This article was excellent, I read it with pleasure.
    My goal is 55 kg. It's the same as you, but I hope I'll be able to get into my clothes soon and go to the 3rd stage.
    Good luck with your pen.
    I kiss. :)

  • on May 23, 2012 at 21:25

    I bought the book but I couldn't lose any weight in the attack phase. I failed. I follow the cruise period and still there is no change in my weight and it disappointed me how enthusiastic I was.

  • on May 23, 2012 at 18:21

    Dear Nilay lady, I started this diet because of you. Now there are people around me who were influenced by me and started, this is very nice. I completed my 2nd month in the cruise phase, I lost 7.5 kg. When I complete 10 kilos, I will go to the 3rd stage. I just finished the book. I have a question for you. I am currently experiencing pre-menopausal problems. I started this diet with the thought of 'it will be harder for me to lose weight from now on'. Until I read the book, I thought that I should apply the 4 phases like everyone else. Until I read 'recently gained weight' on page 261. In this case, I guess I have to skip the 3rd phase. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, could you please read and write your opinion? This issue is not mentioned anywhere else. Your comment is very important to me. Thank you so much!

    • on May 30, 2012 at 15:49

      Hello, Ms. Elif, the book is a little ahead, but believe me, I did not find time to read it. You're on my mind, I'll definitely take a look. Love…

      • On June 07, 2012 at 17:36 PM

        I don't think it's a very clear paragraph. My advice is to continue the 3 phases for a while to accustom the body to the transition. Then move on to stage 4.


        • On June 11, 2012 at 20:13 PM

          Thanks for your reply. I thought like you and started strengthening, it's been 7 days. I hope the result will be good…..

  • on May 23, 2012 at 17:36


  • on May 23, 2012 at 15:38

    Hello Ms. Nilay,
    I can say that I learned a lot about Dukan from you. Alongside the book, your practices have been very enlightening and reinforcing.
    How much time did you lose 12 kilos? I lost 1 kilos in 6 month and I continue. I hope I can lose as much weight as you because my goal is 15 kilos :) stay with love...

  • on May 23, 2012 at 14:38

    Hello Ms. Nilay,
    I started the dukan diet because of you. I read all your articles about diet and bought the book right away. I'm in the cruising phase right now and it's going pretty smoothly. Congratulations on your perseverance. Also, thanks for introducing us to dukan.


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"The Dukan Diet: The Strengthening Phase35 comments for ”

  • On November 12, 2022 at 22:03 PM

    You have prepared a very detailed article about the Dukan diet, I read it with pleasure. Good luck to you.

  • On November 07, 2012 at 13:18 PM

    mrb.dukan i have enjoyed reading your articles, i will start on monday insh.i am completing my preparations :)
    What I'm wondering is, you don't have an article about protection. It ended with reinforcement.
    Dukan? or what are you doing, you in protection?

    • On November 07, 2012 at 16:22 PM

      Hello Fatma, as you noticed, I stopped dieting after losing 16,5 kilos. Although it has been almost 3 months, I have not gained weight, but I have not returned to my old eating habits. I still don't use sugar unless I absolutely have to. I eat very little bread and try to stay away from fatty foods. At this time, I will start brisk walking, although not on a diet, to lose 3 more kilos. Love…

      • On November 08, 2012 at 00:21 PM

        So I won't have to use oat bran for the rest of my life and make protein Thursdays :)
        that's what I wanted to hear :) of course if I pay attention, I guess I didn't have to wait for Monday :)

  • on July 31, 2012 at 14:50

    My lady nilay talks about pastries in the book, even she says you can buy the pastry and prepare it with tomato sauce without using oil and eat it, I don't understand what kind of pastry is this. Also, you said that there is no bun opener here, I'm confused, aren't these pastries..if they are forbidden, we can eat whatever we want at the award dinner. In this case, börek is also prohibited: (I will ask one last thing, I think there is no bulgur in French cuisine, we can make bulgur pilaf with very little oil when preparing meals from starchy foods, right?

  • on July 29, 2012 at 02:23

    How can we reach this diet? can you give me information?

  • on July 21, 2012 at 11:59

    How can I get information about the dukan diet, how can I do it? can you help me please?

  • On June 30, 2012 at 08:58 PM

    I started the Dukan diet on 13,02,2012. I have lost 22 kilos so far and my health is very good. I am starting the strengthening phase as of July 1st. I think I will succeed in the strengthening phase as I have gained my eating habits.

  • On June 14, 2012 at 08:32 PM

    I also started the dukon diet on Sunday and lost 3.26kg. I have tried many diets so far, but this diet has been good for me. I have many floors to lose….. Lots of motivation for everyone, dear friends.

  • On June 12, 2012 at 10:54 PM

    Can you write your 1-day meals in the strengthening phase, I can't start because I don't understand, let's say I'm afraid :)

  • On June 10, 2012 at 21:55 PM

    Hello there ,
    I wonder… how many days did you stay at the same weight during the cruise phase? I started with 65, my goal is 55 now. I'm 61 three days ago. I turned 60 three days ago but still 61. I'm starting to get very angry.. I make protein one day, S+protein one day, but I made pure protein for 2 days ... still the same :(((( I eat fruit yoghurts) ..I wonder if it's because of the way, there are light fruit yogurts in the metro market..

    • On June 11, 2012 at 13:00 PM

      Hello Saynur, I had a similar hangover. A little extra walking will solve this problem. Take a break from the yogurt for a while, too. Love…

      • On June 12, 2012 at 00:05 PM

        thank you…by the way, I am a chocolate maniac….whatever you I am, I can’t stand it I bought diet chocolate from the market. but you are also one of us who has successfully done this diet :) thank you for your answers

  • On June 07, 2012 at 21:53 PM

    Hello :)
    At the end of the summer, my sister got engaged and I have extras. I decided to buy the book for this, but I couldn't find it anywhere. They say we can't find it anywhere. Or what and how much did you eat? Many thanks in advance. Best regards :)

  • On June 06, 2012 at 00:15 PM

    Ms. Nilay, I'm very happy for you, because you lost so much weight and reached your goal (for those who want to lose millet: D) ​​I bought the book long ago, I started a diet, but I couldn't continue. One reason is that the diet recipes in the book are always meat, the prices of the meat, but your recipes inspired me. I'm only 20 years old, I'm short, but my weight is 60, maybe I've gained more. :( I signed up for sports today, I will start dieting again tomorrow. I will take your encouragement and be more willful this time. Thank you very much for your writing.

  • On June 03, 2012 at 00:24 PM

    I lost 2.5 kilos in 10.5 months, now I'm going to strengthen

    • On June 10, 2012 at 21:59 PM

      I asked Ms. Nilay and let me ask you too... I started at 65. I got stuck at 61. I'm in the cruise phase.. I'm officially nervous, I'm still 61.

  • on May 30, 2012 at 21:39

    Hello, Miss Nilay. I have commented before. but I didn't get an answer. It has been a month. You are in the 3rd term. Did you continue to lose weight during the strengthening period? I'm also going into the empowerment phase soon. I wonder what kind of process awaits me. I will be glad if you answer. good day

    • on May 30, 2012 at 22:45

      Hello Ayşe, I did not continue to lose weight. He is playing 1 kilo down and 1 kilo up right now :) Best regards…

      • on May 31, 2012 at 16:53

        I was very curious :) Thank you for your reply.

  • on May 30, 2012 at 15:26

    Dear Ms. Nilay, I think you are very busy, I understand this from the frequency of the recipes you share. But I am waiting for your response to my previous comment. You can find my old comment again under this title.

  • on May 28, 2012 at 17:31

    hello.. good luck with your empowerment period. I am also in the viewing period. I wonder, did you continue to lose weight in the 3rd period? Or something like weight gain? Congratulations. I hope the weight you lost will be permanent and you will not have to deal with it again.

  • on May 27, 2012 at 23:23

    I made a comment before.. I would like to repeat this article as well.. I wonder about the blood groups of those who follow this diet and lose weight quickly.. Can you write? stay healthy..

    • on May 27, 2012 at 23:25

      I don't know about such a thing, I have not heard of this diet being associated with blood type, but I am type 0. The questions on the site do not ask about blood type either. Love…

      • on May 28, 2012 at 20:06

        Thank you very much for your answer.. It is not associated with blood type.. There is a book about nutrition according to blood group only.. A small study based on it.. I am group B. I applied the Dukan Diet, but there was no movement in the attack phase.. I left it for now.. After reading the nutrition book for blood group and you are included in my environment and now, he has type 0 blood.. These people are more successful on the Dukan Diet.. At least for now..

    • on May 30, 2012 at 21:40

      I am on the dukan diet. and my blood type is 0 Rh+. I lost about 4 kilos in 9 months.

  • on May 24, 2012 at 09:33

    My Nilay; I also wrote on my blog. I started this diet because of you. Your writings, which summed up the book perfectly, guided me very well. (Of course, after I read the book)
    The weight you lost gave me motivation.
    This article was excellent, I read it with pleasure.
    My goal is 55 kg. It's the same as you, but I hope I'll be able to get into my clothes soon and go to the 3rd stage.
    Good luck with your pen.
    I kiss. :)

  • on May 23, 2012 at 21:25

    I bought the book but I couldn't lose any weight in the attack phase. I failed. I follow the cruise period and still there is no change in my weight and it disappointed me how enthusiastic I was.

  • on May 23, 2012 at 18:21

    Dear Nilay lady, I started this diet because of you. Now there are people around me who were influenced by me and started, this is very nice. I completed my 2nd month in the cruise phase, I lost 7.5 kg. When I complete 10 kilos, I will go to the 3rd stage. I just finished the book. I have a question for you. I am currently experiencing pre-menopausal problems. I started this diet with the thought of 'it will be harder for me to lose weight from now on'. Until I read the book, I thought that I should apply the 4 phases like everyone else. Until I read 'recently gained weight' on page 261. In this case, I guess I have to skip the 3rd phase. I'm not sure if I understand correctly, could you please read and write your opinion? This issue is not mentioned anywhere else. Your comment is very important to me. Thank you so much!

    • on May 30, 2012 at 15:49

      Hello, Ms. Elif, the book is a little ahead, but believe me, I did not find time to read it. You're on my mind, I'll definitely take a look. Love…

      • On June 07, 2012 at 17:36 PM

        I don't think it's a very clear paragraph. My advice is to continue the 3 phases for a while to accustom the body to the transition. Then move on to stage 4.


        • On June 11, 2012 at 20:13 PM

          Thanks for your reply. I thought like you and started strengthening, it's been 7 days. I hope the result will be good…..

  • on May 23, 2012 at 17:36


  • on May 23, 2012 at 15:38

    Hello Ms. Nilay,
    I can say that I learned a lot about Dukan from you. Alongside the book, your practices have been very enlightening and reinforcing.
    How much time did you lose 12 kilos? I lost 1 kilos in 6 month and I continue. I hope I can lose as much weight as you because my goal is 15 kilos :) stay with love...

  • on May 23, 2012 at 14:38

    Hello Ms. Nilay,
    I started the dukan diet because of you. I read all your articles about diet and bought the book right away. I'm in the cruising phase right now and it's going pretty smoothly. Congratulations on your perseverance. Also, thanks for introducing us to dukan.


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