Dukan Diet – Attack Phase 1st Day Menu
I woke up early this morning and like every morning I wake up early, I didn't want to have breakfast. Although I wake up late, I can't eat anything before at least 1-2 hours. This is the biggest obstacle to my regular diet, because everything gets messy as the hours on the computer progress. Sometimes when my wife comes, I just have breakfast and taste a little of what I've made.
Anyway, since it was the 1st day of the attack phase, I forced myself into the kitchen. I bought oatmeal yesterday as I couldn't find oat bran. I made a practical egg for breakfast with this. Normally, oat bran should be used instead of oatmeal (but since I bought it, I thought I'd use it). I ordered online today, we will get the oat bran in the evening. I think it will be more practical for you if I enter the recipes as a separate post.
I ate my lunch right now, I did not feel any hunger during the day. I went out for a 20-minute walk before lunch, it was cold but it felt very good.
I was quite energetic when I got home. I drank chamomile tea.
This is the menu I created in my head today and throughout the attack phase. As an alternative, I'm thinking of eating boiled eggs for breakfast tomorrow. I also bought chicken and turkey ham. Maybe I will share my alternative menus with you during the attack phase.
I don't think I will be hungry around 16:00, but those who want can have a snack at this hour.
All in all it will take 4 days and so there is no need for contractions.
Pancakes from Oat Bran
Fat Free Feta Cheese
Yogurt (you can use sweetener or cinnamon)
Chicken Souffle
herbal tea
If necessary, around 16:00
1 slice of turkey meat or 1 boiled egg
Beef Goulash
Diet Coke
Important Note: You can eat a maximum of 2 eggs per day.
You can find all the foods allowed in the Dukan diet attack phase article. Remember that you can consume them as much as you want if you do not have cholesterol or any other health problems.
Don't forget to drink water. Be sure to buy the book and read it because I am sharing with you my diet. There are too many points in the book for me to write.
Subscribe to my e-mail to follow my Dukan diet closely.
I lost 3 kilos with acupuncture in 18 months, I recommend it, friends, there was nothing I didn't try.
Hello Mrs. Duygu, I just started, can you help me too? Atak has been 6 days in my test.
take care of your health, you may have stomach and serious bowel problems … eat healthy, reduce your portions, walk everywhere, get a hobby that you enjoy.. I am 64 years old, there is no diet that I do not follow anymore, I gave up, I decided on a size 42, my words are my experiences…
Also try the swedish diet :)
Can you write in detail what time the meal times are?
You will adjust it yourself.
hello, I would like to start today.
hi.. I started dukan on April 19 last year..I lost 30 kilos until June 11th..but I gained more this year..I'm 170 kilos 95 34 years old.. I want to start again.. I can't start in a different way.. what would you recommend me..
a person can do 2 dukan diet once in his lifetime please be careful i am doing my 2nd dukan this time i will complete 4 phases
Hello, before starting the dukan diet, I want to learn and listen to the suggestions of those who have experienced it, so I reached your site. Could you please share your diet diary with me?
My last situation is very similar to your wife's 19 lt water demijohn example :-)
friends, I did the dukan test, to see the result, I write my email password in the upper right corner, and again, I write my hotmail password below, log in…I need to do something different or help for login please.. does anyone know???
I finished the 6-day attack phase yesterday. I lost 3,8 kg. I am a man living alone. I don't know much about cooking vegetables. I can only make a salad. I also love chicken and beef-beef. What if I continue to eat meat after that? Is there any problem? Or you can consume only protein 5-6 days a week and have vegetable + protein for 1 day.
Thank you.
hello, I started the attack diet dated November 16 and I dropped from 114 kilos to 110, I plan to complete 10 days in a week, I will go to the cruise period on Monday, I hope ……
Hello. My height is 170 and now I weigh 75 kilos. I lost 1 kilos in 5 and a half months with my own money. I started the Dukan diet today. A friend of mine said that he lost 1 kilo in 1 day with the Dukan diet, so I went the next day and bought the Dukan diet book. I started a diet today, ate 1 oat bran in the morning and drank 1 glass of tea. The crepe was not fully cooked, I ate half of it and left. I lost my appetite. It was noon. I ate 2 slices of grilled chicken and drank water next to it, but I was never satisfied. Then I went and ate 1 slice of wholemeal bread and some cheese and I was full. Now I'm drinking sugar-free, milk-free coffee. I'm thinking of following the diet for 10 days. Do you think I can lose 10 kilos in 5 days?
friends, leave dukani karatayı. I will present you my own diet list. I lost 10 kilos in exactly one month. I started with 80 kilos. I was 70 at the end of a month. It's been 3 months. Now I'm 67 kilos. I didn't gain weight when I stopped dieting.
morning; a boiled egg, tomato, cucumber, five olives
noon; plenty of green salad to be seasoned with a spoonful of oil
evening ; fruit no exaggeration
no food after 6pm
10 cups of green tea with 3 hazelnuts in between
1 hour walking at a moderate pace
it's really hard to do but the result is great
my namesake are you really weak
try and see, I'll start again, I need to lose another 7 kilos, I'll write the results if you want
nilay sister i can't buy the book right now please help me i did the test but i would appreciate it if you tell me what i can eat in which phases please
Hello, I am 18 years old, 1.64 cm tall and 75 kilos. I want to start the 1st phase now. Could you give me an example diet list and how many attack phases should I do and what should I consume most during this phase?
You can find the answer to these questions by buying the book, Ms. Gamze, and doing the test on the website. love..
Hello. I am 1.60 cm tall and 70 kg. I did the attack phase for 10 days and only lost 2 kg, which made me very depressed. I didn't do it on the run. Why can't I give it?
Slimming. Have you ever lost, but it is not reflected in the scale because the body has edema.
hello, I'm in the cruising phase and I ate it with oatmeal today. :(
I don't understand, will I really eat shrimp crab or can I eat different things apart from it?
hello, I am 14 years old, I am 1.71 cm tall and 71 kilos. I have a problem not sleeping at night, nothing helps, including sleeping pills, so I go to sleep at the earliest and wake up at 4 this year, I will start high school 13.00 year and now I want to have a normal life, do you think I should do the dukan diet and sleep whatever I do? do i get my order in order?
(please someone save me)
Ms. Nilay, on what date did you start your dukan diet? The dates you wrote your posts are not visible.. How much weight did you lose in how long with dukan?
Hello, I'm a 170 cm tall woman with a weight of 59.6 kg. Even if I eat one meal, it feels like I'm gaining a lot of weight. My psychology is deteriorating in this sense, I can become 61 kg in a moment, what do you recommend, will the Dukan diet be effective on me?
Dear Melek, the most effective thing for you is stick :) Don't say I'm going on a diet or something. Love :)
hello, i started the dukan diet today, i ate courgette eggs in the morning, sauteed chicken breast (without oil in a teflon pan) and 1 glass of milk and 1 tablespoon of oat bran to prevent my sweet reds, I used sweetener and cinnamon, it was perfect. I'm feeling nauseous, what should I do?
Hello, I am 1.65 cm and my weight is 80. Can you give me a suitable diet list? I want to lose weight :( thanks in advance :)
Hello Zübeyde, I'm not a dietitian, I just share my diet as much as I can. My advice to you is to consult a dietitian. If you are thinking of doing the Dukan diet, read the book and decide. Love…
I am a woman, 167 cm tall and 73 kg in weight. I am an 8-month-old daughter, I still could not lose my birth weight. I was 60 kg before pregnancy. I have been thinking about starting the dukan diet for years now.
Hello Cemresu, first of all I am definitely not an expert on this subject. I share my diet and thanks to my readers my readers have a great influence on my diet. As far as I read in the book, neither the dukan nor any other diet should be followed by a breastfeeding mother. Plenty of water, cut down on fruit and fruit oil, I think you'll be healthy with the effect of giving milk. Your baby won't be affected either, love...
how many days should the attack circuit be? is it 10 days, only protein, can you write the next cruise circuit, how many days is the cruise circuit
I have never dieted in my life. Because for some reason, I always want to taste everything I see, like I'm pregnant. Most of the time I can't help this urge. I am not very overweight. I'm like a fish. but I might taste a bit of tuna. Thank god I'm a little tall. Not that much. :) I'm 1.70 cm tall. My weight is currently 64. I intend to start exercising on Monday every week. I have a very expensive treadmill at home. I put stuff on it. :) Before I got married, I weighed 57 kilos. Can I buy this book and go back to my old days with such indecision and wear my 36 size clothes that I tucked in a corner of my closet? Will the book convince me to diet when I can't even trust myself?
As Hiko gets older, whether we want it or not, our body gains a certain weight, the important thing is, of course, to stay at a healthy weight at that age. I think your height and weight ratio is great, but the heart wants us to always be thinner :) At this point, the book is actually just a motivating tool at the point where we stand, not you :) I think even starting to use the treadmill will make a big difference. Love…
I started today, I ate boiled pan in the evening, I poured ketchup without knowing it, but did I lose my diet?
Merve, you are so cute, I chewed gum myself, will my fast be broken? I felt like I was answering the question :) A piece of ketchup will do nothing, but don't repeat it.. Love :)
hello, I started the diet today, I ate one boiled egg and ligh white cheese in the morning, I just wanted to try oats in the snack and I can say it's disgusting, I couldn't eat more than a spoon. What I want to learn is;
Can we eat greens in the first 10 days?
Is it forbidden to do sports besides this diet?
Is there any harm in consuming ready-made ligh tuna because I am working?
Thank you..
Hello Zeynep, first of all I hope you bought the book. The book is necessary for your motivation and the method you will use. Be sure to mix oat bran with something and consume it, for example, prepare pancakes. If you are outside, you can have light yogurt or ayran. Did you do the test and saw that it was 10 days? If you have an attack for 10 days in the test, you can consume some spring onions, onions, parsley and dill. You can avoid heavy pores and take light walks. You can also consume light tuna by straining the water.
I couldn't eat oat bran with milk, but I think it's better with yogurt... After 2-3 days, you get used to it and it even starts to taste good :))))
I follow your site with great pleasure, especially the dukan diet. I'm thinking of starting the diet tomorrow, but I have a question for now. First of all, can we use light activia. Can I use carbohydrates100 fat 4,6 per 1.0ml? Can we eat normal pastrami? thanks
Hello Peri, as far as I know, there are people who eat, but I prefer to eat yogurt with light fruit. Normal bacon can be consumed if it is low-fat and without fenugreek, I eat turkey bacon without fenugreek.
Good morning, I'm going to start the Dukan diet today. I want to ask something, is there no bread in this diet??? Also, how do we determine the time of the attack period?
Hello, Ilknur, bread and similar bakery products are strictly prohibited during the arak and cruising phase of the dukan diet. I wrote an article about it. You can read here http://mutfaksirlari.com/dukan-diyetine-baslasam-mi-acaba.html
But I would say get one from the book, starting with hearsay information.
good day, can we eat fruit on this diet, I wonder if we can get an answer during the attack phase.
Miss Hafize, unfortunately, fruit is forbidden during the attack and cruising phase.
Greetings, I'm going to start too, but I couldn't start after reading your book like a man. Food sold outside is not possible, I guess, according to diet. What would you suggest me?
hello, I am cooking chicken with thyme in a pan without oil the night before at home, for lunch, I pass it with pancakes and cheese tea or 2 eggs with cheese tea in the morning. And I always consume yogurt. it gets easier that way. In sweet crises, I spend 1 date in the morning after breakfast and 1 date after lunch.
hello:) I left the attack phase behind and started the 2nd phase, but I still don't want sweets. Although I don't have a problem with meals or breakfast, I take a little getaway every day, which I think is causing me to pause. do you think it is possible?
Hello, Dilan wanted a sweet dessert for me last night, so I bought a yogurt with 0 fat fruit. After dinner, a small package made me feel good. If you are reading the book, drinks such as sugary coke are allowed, I say drink it when you want sweet. Hmm, skim milk with cinnamon cuts her sweet cravings a lot.
I can't actually eat yogurt with fruit, but I drink my coke every day, it cuts it a little :) actually I'm used to making it and eating it in the evening now seems very strange :) thanks for the milk suggestion I'll try it in the evening I hope it works :)
hi. I am doing the dukan diet. I lost 1,5 kilos in 7 months. For your sweet needs, you can try Kaycina.. Drops of vanilla and sweetener (splenda is recommended.. because there is no aspartate in it and it is the most natural) we heat the milk. We beat 5 eggs and add them to the warm milk. We add sweetener and vanilla and whisk well with a mixer.. Pour it into my debt and remove the foam that accumulates on it.. Water is poured into the tray and placed on the pyrex.. It is cooked at 180 degrees until it turns golden… I think it will be good for your dessert needs…
Oh, by the way, I may have mixed it up.
1 liter milk
5 eggs
up to 9 tablespoons of splenda
half a bottle of vanilla
Splenda is sold in 75 gram markets.. It is around 16 TL, but it should not be light. It comes up to 50 spoons from a box
Dear Nilay, according to the list above, more than 2 eggs were consumed, which is inconvenient in my opinion.
yes, in order not to be misunderstood, let me make a note of maximum 2 eggs per day.
hello, i also follow the dukan diet… I buy oat bran from Migros.
I follow your site…take it easy…good weight loss..
Ms. Fazilet, I bought it online for now, but I will be making another visit to Migros soon. Thanks :)
Hello, I was following your site, when I came to get a recipe today, I came across your article about the dukan diet. First of all, you are very successful, I congratulate you. I live in Paris, many people do this diet here. I suggest you do not take the unsuccessful examples into account. If you are not going to do exactly what I say, he definitely says that you should never start this diet. This diet is a diet that will be done for life (the last stage will be a protein day for the rest of your life anyway, and oat bran will never be left). I am still ahead and you will see that you will apply it very easily and you will not feel hungry. With the wish of reaching your goal as soon as possible.. love..
Thank you Isabel, indeed my 2 days were both enjoyable and delicious. I hope it continues like this and becomes a part of my life as you say. Love…
Hello Miss Nilay,
Good luck to you, but oatmeal is strictly prohibited!
Thank you Semiha, I got my dandruff :)
Take it easy, Nilay. I hope you reach your goal. I wish you healthy days.
Thanks Feraycim, it's a delicious diet than I thought :)
best wishes. Then let's do it this way, you will no longer be able to eat only chicken breast and you will not be able to consume flour and bakery products. I am ready to sacrifice myself for you. I control what you do. I did this for two people in my family who did not succeed in following this diet, I will do it again :D
Ahahaha :) Actually, there are many alternatives, I'm trying slowly. Love…
Hello.. My advice to you is to quit the Dukan Diet because after a while many people around me who practice it started to have health problems. That's why you can lose weight easily by eating everything in moderation and doing sports, that's how I do it...
Hello Selcuk, first of all, thank you very much for your warning. Let's see if we intend to start sports this month. If the diet bothers me or I feel a slight problem, I will stop immediately. The first day goes pretty well, after all it will only be 4 days without vegetables. I'm determined to give it a try, thanks again.