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Keşli Noodles

Release Date: 25-08-2010
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On my way back from Kastamonu, I went to a pastry shop near the village market and bought lots of noodles and tatar (square flat dough that looks like noodles). Of course, I did not neglect to stop by one of the stone ovens and buy black bread.

Since our return was via Bolu, I bought a curd from one of the stopovers to try at home.

Remember, on the package I bought, it was written 85% dried yogurt 15% salty, that is, it is quite salty, so I recommend you to be careful. Love….

So what is this junk? Wikipedia explained as follows.

Keş is a hard cottage cheese made from strained yogurt.

The yoghurt is well filtered in a cheesecloth. Then the excretion of water under a weight (stone) is complete. It is then shaped by hand.

Its shape in and around Bolu is in the "soap mold" format. Again in this region, there is another type called "katik kesi". Its shape is a top shape.

Keş contains high levels of protein and calcium, and intense salt for longevity. It is also used in many parts of Anatolia. In some regions, it is also called "Kurt".

In Bolu and its surroundings, the cheese is first grated; It is mixed with crushed walnuts and sprinkled into homemade pasta (noodles, etc.) layer by layer. The same mixture is lightly fried with butter and sprinkled on top of the pasta.

Ingredients for Keşli Noodle Recipe

3 cup of noodles
1,5 liter of boiling water
3 spoonful butter
1 cup grated cheese
walnuts on request
(a pinch of salt for boiling)


Boil 1-3 cups of noodles in 1,5 liters of water until soft.
2- While the noodle is boiling, grate the goat and fry it in a pan with butter until it turns pink (at this stage, you can add half a glass of walnuts if you want).
3- Take the boiled noodle on a serving plate, sprinkle the roasted cheese on it and serve.

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