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How to make Corn Flour Pumpkin Muffin? There are also 4 comments to give you an idea. Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 40 min, corn flour muffin with dill, zucchini, pumpkin muffin, corn flour dill muffin, corn flour cupcake, corn flour muffin, corn flour, Muffin, muffin cup, salted muffin, Cakes-Muffins

Corn Flour Pumpkin Muffin

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 12 oy 4,17/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 25 min
12 4.17 5 1

Muffins are the little flavors that I can't give up since I first started making them... I think I'd rather make these biscuits than regular cakes. If you ask what the reason is, I don't like the fact that they are single servings and they look puffy in those tiny containers.

40 min

As you can see in the cake category, I tried many kinds of muffins, but this was my first salty muffin, it was not only salty, but also cornmeal. Both me and all tasters were very satisfied with the cornmeal pumpkin muffins. In fact, my wife even said that I can get enough of just these (think about it now :) When you try it, cut it in half and don't forget to eat it with cream cheese…

My article about muffin cups and muffin trays You can find it in the culinary school section.


Ingredients for Corn Flour Pumpkin Muffin Recipe

  • 2 glass of cornmeal
  • 1 cup of flour (wheat flour)
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 2 zucchini
  • 3 pieces of eggs
  • 1 pinch of dill
  • 1 red meat pepper
  • 1 glasses of yoghurt
  • 150 gr. margarine or butter
  • Salt
  • Black pepper


  1. Sift the cornmeal, flour, and baking powder together into a large bowl.
  2. Beat the eggs, margarine and yogurt at room temperature with a mixer until well mixed.
  3. Peel the zucchini and grate it together with the pepper, finely chop the dill and put it together in a bowl.
  4. Make a hole in the middle of the flour, pour all the egg mixture into the middle and mix with the mixer.
  5. Add the grated vegetables and spices to the dough and mix using a spoon.
  6. Set the oven to 180 degrees, distribute the ingredients in the muffin cups and bake.
  7. You can serve hot or cold.

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"Corn Flour Pumpkin Muffin4 comments for ”

  • On June 23, 2014 at 19:41 PM

    hello…can we make this recipe in a regular cake mold?

    • On June 23, 2014 at 20:26 PM

      Hello, it can be tried, but it may take longer than normal to cook because it contains zucchini.

  • Sept. 08, 2008 at 20:12 pm

    Hello Huriyecim, I hope you try and be satisfied. Love…

  • Sept. 08, 2008 at 17:19 pm

    Hello darling,

    Well done, I love it, it looks like your recipe is cooked, it's a must-try recipe, thank you dear for this beautiful sharing.

    I wish you a blessed and fruitful Ramadan, my love.


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"Corn Flour Pumpkin Muffin4 comments for ”

  • On June 23, 2014 at 19:41 PM

    hello…can we make this recipe in a regular cake mold?

    • On June 23, 2014 at 20:26 PM

      Hello, it can be tried, but it may take longer than normal to cook because it contains zucchini.

  • Sept. 08, 2008 at 20:12 pm

    Hello Huriyecim, I hope you try and be satisfied. Love…

  • Sept. 08, 2008 at 17:19 pm

    Hello darling,

    Well done, I love it, it looks like your recipe is cooked, it's a must-try recipe, thank you dear for this beautiful sharing.

    I wish you a blessed and fruitful Ramadan, my love.


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