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How to make Kömbe Cookie (Antakya Kömbesi)? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 55 min, how to make Kömbe spice at home, Kömbe, Kömbe Spice, Kömbe Mold, Kömbe Cookies, How to Make Kömbe Cookies, Kömbe Recipe with Video, Cookie Recipe Videos

Kömbe Cookie (Antakya Kömbesi)

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 5 oy 4,20/5)
Portion: Max - 10 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 40 min
5 4.2 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

I decided to start the week with a delicious and long-lasting Kömbe cookie. I have been following the Kömbe cookie recipe for a long time. From Pınar's Kitchen Secrets blog. I've been thinking about preparing it for a long time, but I kept it waiting because what makes the kombe is the spice added to it.

In fact, there is no need to wait, and you can find it when you enter a herbalist you stop by or a shop selling local products. Those who cannot find it can easily prepare it at home.

55 min

For this, equal amounts of cinnamon, powdered cloves, allspice, nutmegYou can use it by mixing powdered ginger and mahlebi. Pınar also mentioned mastic gum among these ingredients, but it was not included in the Kömbe spice I bought.

Now, let's come to the mold, you can buy this local wooden mold when you go to Eminönü from the shops that sell cake materials.

As you can see in the video, the cookie dough has a very nice and soft consistency, you need to pay attention to the controlled addition of flour and kneading well. It is ready when it gets a non-sticky consistency.

Video Description of the Recipe:

You can also add pitted dates if you want.


Ingredients for Kömbe Cookies (Antakya Kömbesi) Recipe

  • half a pack (125 g) of melted butter
  • 1 cup of sunflower oil
  • 2 fingers missing powdered sugar from 2 cups
  • 1 water glass milk
  • 1 teaspoon of kumbe seasoning
  • 1 package baking powder
  • 1 pack of vanilla
  • 6,5-7 cups flour

For the above:

  • 1 cup Sesame


  1. Melt the butter in the microwave for 1 minute (melted but not too hot).
  2. Put the sunflower oil, butter and milk in the kneading bowl.
  3. Add the powdered sugar, baking powder, vanillin and kombe spice.
  4. Add the flour by sifting it glass by glass. First add 2 cups and mix.
  5. My cookies took almost 7 cups of flour. Therefore, add the flour little by little and mix it with the help of a spoon.
  6. When you get a soft dough that does not stick to the hand, take walnut-sized pieces from the dough and roll them.
  7. First dip it in a plate full of sesame, then press it into the mold, spread it with your hands and let it take shape.
  8. Place side by side on a baking tray lined with greaseproof paper.
  9. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for about 40 minutes until golden brown. 

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