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How to make Cocoa Honeycomb Cookies? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 30 minutes, cocoa cookies, cocoa honeycomb cookies, Cookies, honeycomb cookies, how to make honeycomb cookies, honeycomb cookie recipe with video, Cookies-Biscuits

Cocoa Honeycomb Cookies

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 4 oy 5,00/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 15 min
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The healing power of the kitchen is always our savior. I hope we can leave a greener, safer and more loving future for our children❤️🙏

30 min

During the last 10-12 days, we have done a lot of activities in order not to reflect the negative and sad agenda and our own sadness on our daughter. These were usually her favorite cookies. It is both delicious and practical, I recommend you to try it.

Watch the Video:


Ingredients for Cocoa Honeycomb Cookies Recipe

  • 1 medium eggs
  • Half cup of butter
  • Half a glass of oil
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar
  • Half a pack of baking powder
  • 2,5 water glass flour
  • 2 soup spoons of cocoa


  1. Take eggs, granulated sugar, butter, oil and cocoa in a mixing bowl and mix. 
  2. Add 2 cups flour, baking powder and cocoa and knead the dough.
  3. Check the consistency of the gathered dough and add half a glass of flour if necessary.
  4. Break off walnut-sized pieces and roll them in your hand.
  5. Shape and place on the baking tray 2-3 cm apart.
  6. Bake in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for 12-13 minutes.
  7. Let the cookies, which are soft when they come out of the oven, rest until they cool and serve.

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