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Herbed Cheese Patties

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 20 oy 4,75/5)
Portion: Personality
Preparation: 30 min
Cooking: 20 min
20 4.75 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Everyone, actually anyone who loves to cook, is known for a recipe. My most talked about and liked recipe in our family. pastryis This one has a funny memory too :)

Years ago, when I was only 15-16 years old, we used to sail almost every week on my father's boat. Since my mother doesn't like to prepare for this type of thing and I want everything to be perfect, I would take all the preparation on me.

50 min

My father has a very strong taste. Especially the breakfasts he chooses are of incredible quality and delicious. Now if you ask where did you come from, without noticing the 1 mold of delicious cheese that the man bought for breakfast at that time. Patty I used it to make (how do I know, my child). Everyone who ate that pastry that day still asked me, "Nilay, what's the secret of that pastry?" she asks :) The secret is the cigarette pastry Use a delicious cheese that suits your taste while making it :)

Tonight I decided to break that cycle and try something new. I even added the leaves of the mini radishes I bought from the market to the pastry. In the end, my wife said that it was much more delicious than what I always do, then I decided to share it with you by saying ok.


In the meantime, I will be a speaker at the "Content Creation and Social Impact in Social Media" session at the Yeditepe University Social Media Summit on Friday, between 15:30-17:00. I hope you get the chance :)


Ingredients for Herbed Cheese Pie Recipe

  • 1 kg of dough
  • 400 g white medium hard feta cheese
  • 8-10 stalks arugula
  • 13-14 stalks of parsley
  • 5-6 sprigs of dill
  • 3 stalks of scallion
  • 5-6 radish leaves (optional)
  • 1 pieces of eggs
  • 2 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • oil for frying


  1. Divide each dough into 8 pieces. When you're done with the dough, set it aside.
  2. Take the feta cheese in a deep bowl and mash with a fork, finely chop the parsley and all the other greens.
  3. Add the margarine, egg and chopped greens into the cheese and mix them all.
  4. Put a teaspoon of the material on the wide side of the triangular piece of dough, fold both sides and wrap it without being too tight, wet the pointed end of the dough with your finger and stick it.
  5. After wrapping them all in this way, fry the pastries you prepared in the oil you have heated over medium heat.
  6. Serve the pastries hot or warm.

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"Herbed Cheese Patties5 comments for ”

  • on May 04, 2013 at 16:18

    it's healthier for people to eat cigarettes instead of smoking

  • On April 26, 2013 at 15:34 PM

    Let me come to you with this recipe. .I do it very lovingly.
    Do not say that you can make an omelet with feta cheese and eggs. We combined this flavor harmony with pancakes and flavored it with pepper. Come on, spice up your breakfasts with this easy recipe.

    1 tablespoon (35 g) Butter

    2 eggs

    50 g of feta cheese

    1 wholemeal flatbread

    1 red peppers

    1 piece of charliston pepper

    ½ teaspoon of salt

    ½ teaspoon of black pepper

    Make a plain omelet from scrambled eggs that we melted 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot pan and flavored with salt and pepper.

    On one side, place the warmed dürüm bread on the counter and place the omelet on it. Put the feta cheese and chopped peppers on the omelet and wrap it in the form of burritos as in the picture. Enjoy your meal…

  • On April 22, 2013 at 15:44 PM

    Cigar rolls always go well both for breakfast and with tea. good luck

  • March 12, 2013 at 16:01

    I always make cigarette boreg with green onion and parsley, and of course cheese, and those who eat it find it very different and delicious..

    Well done Nilaycim :))

  • On February 28, 2013 at 17:31

    Good luck to your hands, Nilaycı...


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"Herbed Cheese Patties5 comments for ”

  • on May 04, 2013 at 16:18

    it's healthier for people to eat cigarettes instead of smoking

  • On April 26, 2013 at 15:34 PM

    Let me come to you with this recipe. .I do it very lovingly.
    Do not say that you can make an omelet with feta cheese and eggs. We combined this flavor harmony with pancakes and flavored it with pepper. Come on, spice up your breakfasts with this easy recipe.

    1 tablespoon (35 g) Butter

    2 eggs

    50 g of feta cheese

    1 wholemeal flatbread

    1 red peppers

    1 piece of charliston pepper

    ½ teaspoon of salt

    ½ teaspoon of black pepper

    Make a plain omelet from scrambled eggs that we melted 1 tablespoon of butter in a hot pan and flavored with salt and pepper.

    On one side, place the warmed dürüm bread on the counter and place the omelet on it. Put the feta cheese and chopped peppers on the omelet and wrap it in the form of burritos as in the picture. Enjoy your meal…

  • On April 22, 2013 at 15:44 PM

    Cigar rolls always go well both for breakfast and with tea. good luck

  • March 12, 2013 at 16:01

    I always make cigarette boreg with green onion and parsley, and of course cheese, and those who eat it find it very different and delicious..

    Well done Nilaycim :))

  • On February 28, 2013 at 17:31

    Good luck to your hands, Nilaycı...


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