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How to make Chocolate Banana Crispy Puff Pastry Dessert? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 20 min, chocolate puff pastry, chocolate banana crispy puff pastry, puff pastry, puff pastry recipes, banana puff pastry, Practical Recipes

Chocolate Banana Crispy Puff Pastry Dessert

Release Date: 31-01-2023
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When I scrambled the freezer, I found half a pack of puff pastry so deep that even archaeologists would have a hard time finding it 🤣🕵🏻 Now that the weather is getting colder, we have an excuse to eat more sweets 😄 I made a very easy but really enjoyable dessert with 2-3 pieces of ingredients.

20 DK

I also sliced ​​the remaining 1-2 leaves, brushed from the leftover egg and baked with black cumin. So I have both sweet and savory snacks. You can also prepare different alternatives for this recipe. Apple knit puff puffs and other You can find my puff pastry recipes at this link.

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Ingredients for Chocolate Banana Crispy Puff Pastry Recipe

  • 6 square puff pastry (the number can be increased in proportion to the apples)
  • 1 medium bananas
  • Cinnamon
  • Half a glass of granulated sugar
  • 1 egg yolk
  • Nut cracks
  • Powdered sugar for serving


  1. Cut the chocolate into squares, and the banana in half, then into 4 pieces on the boot.
  2. Cut the thawed puff pastry into squares. Roll it out a little with the help of a rolling pin. Put 2 squares of chocolate and a slice of banana in the middle.
  3. Make equal scratches on the right and left sides.
  4. Then, close the left and right puff pastry pieces on top of each other, as if braiding a hair.
  5. Brush with eggs and sprinkle with nuts, if desired.
  6. Bake in a preheated oven at 200 degrees until golden brown. Serve sprinkled with powdered sugar.

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