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Cheddar Chicken Wrap

Release Date: 21-04-2010
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My running started yesterday at 8:00 am. After going to 2 meetings in 2 different places, I made my way home in the evening. As you know, traffic is another ordeal. On the way, I called my wife, who had already come home from work. “So what are we doing for dinner tonight?” I said, exhausted and rather hungry. Then I thought of the wrap that he made over the weekend :) I said, "You made a wonderful cheddar chicken wrap over the weekend". I will do it again my love said we :)

On the way to town, I stopped by, the chicken was out of skewers, so instead I asked him to debone the chicken cutlets, and I had the boneless cutlet cut into strips.

When I got home, my wife had already made the preparations, even peeled the potatoes and made them ready for frying. How does one love chicken and potatoes that much :) A great recipe from my dear wife...

There are 2 different reasons why I want to publish this recipe, the first is that it is very practical and delicious, and the second is that students or single gentlemen can prepare it in 10 minutes if they have a toaster at home.

I think my wife will literally catch the taste of Bambi's wonderful cheddar wrap after 1-2 tries :)

bachelor meals
Cheddar Chicken Wrap

You can use thigh steak, breast or chicken skewers according to your taste. Love…

Cheddar Chicken Wrap
Cheddar Chicken Wrap

Ingredients for Cheddar Chicken Wrap Recipe

  • 500 gr. Boneless thigh steak or thigh skewer
  • 4 pieces of green pepper
  • 2 lavash breads
  • Salt, red pepper flakes, thyme
  • 2 tablespoons of ketchup
  • 250 gr. cheddar cheese


  • French fries, cucumber, tomato, lettuce
  • Pickled cucumbers upon request


  1. Arrange your thigh steaks side by side in your toaster or oil-free pan in the form of 1 leg of pepper.
  2. Cook to the desired consistency without closing the lid of the toaster. After both sides are cooked, warm and soften your lavash by placing it on the chicken.
  3. Spread your lavash on a plate and apply some ketchup. Add the desired amount of garnish, spices and chicken meat into it. Lastly, put the thinly sliced ​​cheddar cheese on the meat and roll it.
  4. Put the prepared wraps in the hot toaster and lightly grease them. Heat until the cheddar is melted and serve hot.

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"Cheddar Chicken WrapOne comment on

  • On April 21, 2010 at 16:03 PM

    Absolutely superb!!! good luck to you, i want it too :)))


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"Cheddar Chicken WrapOne comment on

  • On April 21, 2010 at 16:03 PM

    Absolutely superb!!! good luck to you, i want it too :)))


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