Cauliflower Corn
Hello Dear Friends,
Recently, I like to take a fruit or vegetable for a week and make recipes with it. Of course, there are also comments from social networks on my posts. After preparing a recipe with cauliflower, there is also a recipe for us, can you try it? I try not to offend my followers who say so and try the recipes they are curious about.
Cauliflower CornOne of these recipes. Chicken Cauliflower Salad I think you'll like it a lot :) It's really hard to distinguish cauliflower that is lightly boiled and then well roasted from bulgur.
I didn't add tomatoes to avoid extra watering, but you can add according to your taste.
Ingredients for Cauliflower Crisp Recipe
- 1 small cauliflower
- 2 tablespoon of olive oil
- 1 small onion
- 2 tablespoon of pepper paste
- parsley
- fresh mint
- optional 1-2 stalks of fresh onion
- salt
- black pepper
- pomegranate
- dry mint
- 2 tablespoons of olive oil (according to the last request)
- Clean the edges of the cauliflower and boil it whole for 2-3 minutes. (It is enough to soften a little without overcooking)
- Put the boiled cauliflower in cold water immediately and leave it to cool. Divide the cooled cauliflower into 4-5 pieces and chop until it reaches the size of bulgur in the robot.
- Take 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a saucepan, add the chopped onion on top and fry it until lightly pink.
- Add the tomato paste to the onion and fry it until the smell is gone.
- Add the cauliflower, salt and pepper that you pulled in the robot. Fry the cauliflower until it turns brown and soft.
- Let the cauliflower cool and finely chop the greens you have washed and dried.
- Serve the cooled cauliflower by mixing greens, olive oil, pomegranate syrup, dried mint and salt.