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How to make Caterpillar Cookies? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Margarine, colored cookies, sugar, caterpillar cookie cutter, vanilla, wax paper, Your Recipes

Caterpillar Cookies

Release Date: 22-05-2009
4 5 5 1

Hmm, colorful and cute cookies, well done Hülya Hanım. Also, thanks for your participation…

Caterpillar Cookies

Ingredients for Caterpillar Cookie Recipe

2 eggs
1/2 pack margarine (at room temperature)
1 cup of granulated sugar.
1 teaspoons of oil
1 package baking powder
2 packaged vanilla
3,5 water glass flour
colored food dyes
chocolate chips


Mix the margarine, sugar, vanilla and eggs in a bowl. Add the baking powder and flour little by little and make a soft dough. Separate the dough according to the color type you will use and color each one as you wish. Use chocolate chips for the eyes and red plasticine for the mouth…

Fill into a caterpillar cookie cutter and squeeze onto a greased tray. Bake in a preheated 180 degree oven for 10 minutes.

Posted by Hülya Sever

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