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How to make Çağla Tarator? Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk 15 min, almond casserole, cask, cascad recipes, walnut casserole salad, Practical Recipes, tarator, yoghurt casserole salad, Practical Recipes

Cagla Tarator

Release Date: 29-03-2017
4 5 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

The waterfalls, the harbinger of spring, took their places on the market stalls. Many dishes are made from these raw fruits, which I love as much as green plums, especially almond casserole. The most well-known of these is the Çağla vaccine, which is cooked with lamb. Apart from that, the olive oil dish is also very good.

15 min

Many years ago, when I was just starting to write a blog, I learned the recipe for a green salad from a friend at university. After that, I continued to prepare this recipe from time to time. As you know, the price of waterfalls, which was quite expensive in the first week, returns to normal within 2 weeks. But when the time passes so quickly and it turns into the fruit it should be, unfortunately it is not eaten. So enjoy as much as you can in the next 1-2 weeks :)

In fact, yogurt does not enter the original tarator. It is made with stale bread and walnuts, which we like to consume alongside mussels and calamari. as in my recipe.

Over the years, there have been so many versions that we started to call the practical salads we make by mixing the vegetables we roasted with yogurt and called tarator. Example carrot tarator ve pumpkin tarator.

If you can make a tarator from carrots and zucchini, but not from waterfall, it will be delicious :) When its unique sourness is mixed with walnuts and yogurt, a delicious salad comes out.

I highly recommend you try it.


Ingredients for Çağla Tarator Recipe

  • 2 cups of tea (almond tea)
  • half a glass of walnuts
  • 1 glass of strained yogurt
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 tablespoon of olive oil

For the sauce:

  • Walnut
  • olive oil
  • Red pepper


  1. Remove the stems of the waterfalls and wash and dry them.
  2. Pass the walnuts through the rondo and put them in a mixing bowl.
  3. Rinse the greens with their garlic and add them on top of the walnuts.
  4. Add yoghurt, salt and olive oil to the mixing bowl, mix and transfer to the serving plate.
  5. For the sauce, heat the red pepper flakes, walnuts and olive oil in the cezve.
  6. Pour the hot sauce over the glacier and serve.


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