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How to make Beet Salad with Yogurt and Feta Cheese? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Practical Recipes

Beet Salad with Yogurt and Feta Cheese

Release Date: 06-10-2022
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We're not going to give up on such delicious, light but satisfying recipes just because the weather is getting colder ☺️ Beetroot is one of my favorite root vegetables 😍 So much so that from your soup, to the marinade, from the barrenThe oven always has a place on our table.

There are many people who are not very fond of flavors such as pumpkin, beetroot or celery, or even taste it. I think you should try giving these beauties a chance. Then oh I wish I had tried this before, don't regret it 😄💕

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Ingredients for Beet Salad with Yogurt and Feta Cheese

  • 2 medium beets (boiled, peeled)
  • 3 heaped tablespoons of strained yogurt
  • 1 large cloves of garlic
  • 2 heaping tablespoons of white cheese crumbs
  • Salt (add to taste)
  • Hazelnut Crack
  • Optional dill and olive oil


  1. Grate the beets.
  2. Add the garlic, yogurt, cheese and garlic and mix well.
  3. Transfer to a serving plate, serve with cracked hazelnuts, dill and olive oil.

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