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Mung Bean Beans

It's not pleasant!Well!Beautiful!I liked it!Wonderful! Wonderful!
( 26 oy 4,00/5)
Portion: Max - 4 People
Preparation: 15 min
Cooking: 10 min
26 4 5 1

Hello Dear Friends,

Another weekend passed between two continents in which we scoured Istanbul. We will be moving into our house next week, if nothing goes wrong. We put a lot of effort into our new kitchen, I hope you like my kitchen and the recipes I will make with the inspiration I get from there as much as I do :)

25 min

This afternoon, we came across a local market in Bağlarbaşı. While I was traveling, I bought cottage yoghurt, cream cheese and mung beans. I met this bean stew for the first time in Kivahan thanks to Ali Usta, and I even wrote the recipe on my blog in 2009. When I looked at the photo of the recipe, I thought it was time to update it and I took action immediately. This time I made a few changes.

I used red onions instead of spring onions, and pomegranate seeds instead of pomegranate syrup. A recipe that goes well with meat dishes, especially on grills.



  • 1 cup mung beans (soaked the night before)
  • 1 medium tomatoes
  • 1 medium red onion
  • quarter bunch of parsley
  • 10-15 leaves of fresh mint
  • 1 teaspoon of pomegranate seeds
  • 5-6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2 tablespoons of vinegar
  • salt
  • Red pepper


  1. Wash the mung beans and boil them in medium heat by adding enough water to cover them by 3-4 fingers (take 1 from time to time and see if it softens, almost 15-16 minutes is enough).
  2. While the beans are boiling, wash the parsley and mint, drain the excess water and chop finely. Remove the seeds from the tomatoes and finely chop them.
  3. Chop the red onion. Extract the pomegranate and remove the seeds.
  4. Drain and cool the cooked beans and mix the chopped ingredients well in a large mixing bowl.
  5. Pour pomegranate seeds, olive oil, salt, vinegar and vinegar over the salad, mix again without crushing the mung beans and serve.

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