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How to make Baked Cheese Tomatoes and Dukan Getaways? There are also 36 comments to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Diet Recipes, dukan, Dukan Diet, alcohol in the dukan diet, dukan recipes, dukan and alcohol intake, baked tomatoes, practical dukan recipes, Diet Recipes

Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways

Release Date: 21-03-2012
4 5 5 1

It says evasion in the title, but in fact, our topic is not escaping. Because one cannot escape from oneself, right, my dear diet friends. Yes, let's say you ran away, but on the scale you come face to face with the truth. Now when I start like this, writing will feel like I've eaten the world or gained weight, but there's no such thing (thank goodness)

I started the diet on February 26th, as of March 20th, yesterday, I lost a net 6 (sometimes 6,5) kilos. I had a problem like an allergy for a while, but it disappeared 1-2 days after I cut the egg yolk.

A question that is always asked and cannot be answered. Can we have a limited amount of alcohol on the Dukan diet? Normally, cruising is said to be prohibited even until the protection phase, but … Previously in the book, what he wrote about the conversation between Dr. Dukan and one of his patients caught my attention.

When his patient said that the diet suits him, but he has a habit of drinking 1 glass of red wine at every meal, the doctor told his patient that no matter what brand or type of wine he drinks, he has to walk briskly for an extra 20 minutes per glass, and if he walks, it will be as if he never took that glass. Then the patient started dieting etc. (Of course, this is just an anecdote about weight)

Based on this anecdote, I drank 1 glass of red wine to accompany my guests on Friday evening, and I took an extra 20-minute walk. The result is no problem.

Diet Recipes

Another situation is that there are 1-2 recipes that I think to make for the seasonal sweet crisis of the ladies. I bought the powdered sweetener this weekend, it will be back to you soon as cookies or muffins.

I took a bite of his kinder pingui in the market I went to with my wife yesterday, tired and exhausted before dinner. I admit, I didn't stay with 1 bite, I ate half of it.

At this point Duman Ask Me Do I Regret? I continue to write with you!

To wrap it up, try to make minimal evasion until the strengthening phase of the diet. Even if you don't gain weight again, it can cause you to pause.

Now let's move on to our practical stuffed tomatoes that I prepared to accompany my breakfast. Tomatoes with cheese are delicious and take no more than 5 minutes to prepare. If you choose cocktail tomatoes, your portions will be smaller and the tomatoes will be like honey. It can also be a nice side dish with other meals.


Ingredients for Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways Recipe

  • 4 cocktail tomatoes
  • 1-2 tablespoons of light white cheese
  • thinly sliced ​​light cheddar cheese on request
  • (salt if cheese is unsalted)


  1. Wash the tomatoes, cut them into 2 pieces and remove the seeds.
  2. Mash the feta cheese with a fork and stuff it into the tomatoes.
  3. Put the thinly sliced ​​cheddar cheese on the tomatoes.
  4. Turn on the grill of the oven and set it to the highest heat.
  5. Bake until the cheese on the tomatoes is melted and browned. Serve hot or cold.

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"Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways36 comments for ”

  • On January 13, 2014 at 16:55 am

    friends, I'm on a dukan diet too, but I lost 5kg during the attack phase, is it normal? I wonder if it's 71kg now 66kg, but I didn't follow the recipes in the diet too much. I ate heavy pyrotein, but I didn't follow the recipes there. Now I've switched to vegetable pirotein, what will it be like the week we eat vegetables? thank you guys in advance

  • On April 04, 2013 at 16:05 PM

    Hello Miss Nilay,
    I have been following your site with pleasure for a long time and I wanted to be included.
    Since I am a working person, sometimes I miss the beginning of the events.
    I have a serious weight problem. can you help me?
    Is this the attack period of the dukan diet that you call the attack period?
    I would appreciate if you could help and write to my e-mail address.

    • On April 05, 2013 at 09:10 PM

      Hello Mrs. Fatos. Yes, I did the dukan diet. In the Dukan diet category, I explained all the stages I followed from beginning to end. love.

  • on July 06, 2012 at 00:25

    Hello, I left 4 days behind since I started the attack period, but since the 2nd day, I have been feeling like I'm going to feel nauseous. I can't understand. I'm climbing the stairs. then i sit down. I saw that I ate dessert in my dream last night, today I couldn't stand it anymore, I ate half a biscuit, I regret it, but I needed it, I couldn't find time to make dessert. I don't know much about cooking. I am a person who likes protein products very much, but now I have a bad stomach for eating the same style. please help me.. :( :(

  • On June 09, 2012 at 22:20 PM

    hello, my height is 168 kilos 68. I only have stomach and belly problems. Tomorrow is the 4th day of my attack period. I don't weigh myself, but I'm sweating heavily. And I feel my belly is getting smaller. I just have a headache. And I sleep a lot because of yogurt :) Switching to the cruise period after 5 days of attack period I want to. I don't know how many meals to eat during the cruise period and I don't know the gram limitations. I also want to eat vegetables less and get back the water I lost in a small amount. Also, my water consumption is 2 liters on average. I am waiting for your comment on the subject. Regards…

  • On April 30, 2012 at 14:34 PM

    hello.. I also started dukan diet on April 14th, I only needed to lose a few kilos, more precisely, I had a belly problem….I went to the cruise phase after about 10 days of attack…by the way, my height is 160, my pre-dukan weight is 50.90 …currently, my 47.90th day at 8 cruise I stopped losing weight but there is a visible thinning in my belly, but yesterday I couldn't stand my son's pleas and ate ice cream and today I decided to punish myself and have a 3-day attack….a very close friend of mine lost 18 kilos on this diet in 2.5 months…what I want to ask you is How long should I continue the cruise time?

  • March 24, 2012 at 17:11

    I started dieting on January 16. At the end of 2 months, I lost 9.3 kilos (I have 8 more kilos ahead of me) Unfortunately, I can lose weight slowly due to my thyroid problem and my age (40): (When I read the comments, I see that other dukanists lose weight faster, I weigh myself once a week to not get demoralized). Even though I did an extra walk this week (I increased it to 1 hour every day), I saw that I did not lose any weight. I think I've entered a period of pause, but I don't know what else I can do even though I have increased the sport :(

    • March 25, 2012 at 01:01

      Hello, Velvet, I think you should definitely not get discouraged. You've lost weight so well that I've entered a period of stagnation right now. By the way, because we take protein, our muscle mass increases with sports. We continue to burn fat even when there seems to be no weight loss. I need to lose 8 more kilos too, I'm determined :)

      • March 27, 2012 at 22:41

        Ms. Nilay, I sent you a recipe for conscience soup on Facebook, it worked very well for me, I think maybe we can recommend it to Ms. Velvet. Also, I lost 3 kilos a month in the diet I did with a dietitian before, along with sports, so I think 9 kilos in two months is not a slow weight loss at all, my velvet lady, my camel continues :)

        • March 27, 2012 at 22:44

          Princess just sent you? Facebook is so busy that I can't keep up with messages :( Can you send me the recipe again?

          • March 27, 2012 at 22:48

            Ok I found your message, thanks a lot :)

  • March 22, 2012 at 21:50

    Hi Nilay, I was able to start the diet on March 17, which I said I would start on March 19. Today, my 3rd day of attack is over. It said 3 days on the site, but I am thinking of pure protein tomorrow. I have lost about 2 kg for now. I am waiting for your recipes that will add flavor to this diet:))) love you

    • March 22, 2012 at 21:58

      Hello Hilal, good luck :) I have a lot of recipes, we will lose weight together with pleasure :) Love…

  • March 22, 2012 at 21:40

    I started on March 7th and lost 5 kilos in total. I'm weighed once a week so that I don't get depressed. Today I invented oat bran pastry, this made me very happy. I will eat one a day, I will consume my oat bran right like this, I wish all my dukan diet friends a quick weight loss :)

    • March 22, 2012 at 21:55

      Mukaddes lady, congratulations :) I was wondering about your recipe, could you share it with us? Love…

      • March 22, 2012 at 22:17

        Hi Nilay, of course I will share. I put a pack of oat bran, (400 gr) 3 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of wheat bran, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 packet of human yeast, 2 eggs (to rub out of the yolk of one of them) and kneaded until it reached the consistency of dough. I put a mixture of spring onions, parsley and cheese inside and gave it a tiny little classic pastry shape. I put it on baking paper, brushed it with egg yolk and put it in the oven. (I put 3 tablespoons of flour in case the oat bran may not get the consistency. Maybe it can be done without adding it, which is an escape from it :) )

        • March 22, 2012 at 22:19

          Great recipe, thank you :) I will try it as soon as possible. Love :)

      • March 22, 2012 at 22:22

        Sorry, I forgot a detail. We add milk slowly until the dough has a consistency. Of course, I chose the light ones of all the milk, yoghurt and cheese mentioned :) Love…

  • March 22, 2012 at 11:25

    Hi Nilay Hnm. I started the Dukan diet because of you. your recipes are very good. Thanks to you, we spend a very comfortable diet. Thank you for your effort.

    • March 22, 2012 at 13:32

      Selma, thank you :) The diet became more enjoyable with the recipes, love...

  • March 22, 2012 at 01:06

    I started on March 16, I weigh myself every day, even I prepared an excel table for myself. I can see the daily difference and the total difference. I bought 500 gr on my first vegetable protein day. I got a little depressed, but I continue very determined, I have never had a scam, I hardly consume any salt or oil 2,2 kilos. So far, there is not much visible change, but I am determined.

    • March 22, 2012 at 22:32

      princess, I congratulate you for your determination :) If I try to make a painting, I will definitely get stressed, it will look like a month-end payment chart :) It is very natural that you may play a little, definitely don't get stuck. You will start to feel the difference after 5 kilos. Love….

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:44

    I'm on my tenth day, I just had a fork of rice getaway, but things are going really well ;) people continue to be more motivated as clear weight loss is seen on the scale ;)
    I used to complain about sweet cravings at first, I even made a practical pudding, but I don't want it anymore ;) If you want to take a look, I wrote it here: ;)

    • March 22, 2012 at 01:46

      Thank you İrem, I'll have a look right away :) Yes, the most motivating thing is to get rid of weights, corn starch caught my eye in the book. I will use starch in desserts, but I need to take a look at the recipes again. I also bought cocoa with reduced fat and I'm thinking of some alternatives with it.

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:37

    to be honest, i took a break from my dukan diet for 1 week (on my women's day) i didn't gain weight but i am at the same weight i hope i can get back to my old determination

    • March 22, 2012 at 01:54

      Hi Ilknur, I wish you didn't take a break but I don't think you will give up :) We will all get rid of these kilos together!

      • March 22, 2012 at 16:22

        As long as I follow your site, I believe my determination will not be lost, thanks again

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:09

    Hello, Ms. Nilay, I started the diet on March 19, inspired by your sincere posts and good recipes. Today is my 3rd day, I lost 1 kg, but I cannot say that it was very easy for me. I'm a working person and I don't have a chance to snack on a diet every time I'm hungry like at home. It also takes my time to prepare something that I can snack on, and because I prepare it daily, it runs out quickly. Anyway, I have 1 day left, I'll hold on. I just want to ask you this, I have been ringing in my ears since last night. If someone doesn't remember me all the time :) could it be from protein loading? Best regards………..

    • March 22, 2012 at 02:14

      Hello Elif, you are right, it is very difficult at first. The cause of the ringing is not protein, but perhaps a change in blood pressure. Maybe your blood sugar is dropping. If it's uncomfortable, I'd say don't force yourself to have a snack. I'm waiting for your good news, love...

      • March 24, 2012 at 13:15

        Ms. Nilay, I ate tomato and cucumber for the first time this morning after 5 days of attack. In the evening, I will cook a meat-free okra dish. It goes well with tzatziki.
        When I weighed myself this morning, I saw that I had lost two pounds from the start. Wonderful! Keep dieting! My only problem is tinnitus. And lastly, is there any harm in beef tripe? After boiling, it can be put back into plain water and seasoned. I read in an article that it is recommended for dialysis patients because it is oil-free. I don't know how accurate it is.
        I wish you a nice weekend….

        • March 25, 2012 at 01:05

          Hello Elif, another dieting friend of ours talked about tinnitus. Something like this happened to me during the attack period, I don't know the exact reason, but I suspect blood pressure. There is a list of 100 items in the book, where prohibited foods are written, it should be looked at again. Love…

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:57

    I started for 2 days and I saw 1 kg loss on the scale.
    thank you for your sharing

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:36

    hello nilay lady, i think the ham pictured is not. where did you get the diet-friendly ham, what brand is it… I just started and I'm not happy with those attack phase foods :)))

    • March 21, 2012 at 17:01

      Hi Nilay, smoked turkey in the photo. I like to eat only beef and ham, turkey and chicken do not suit my taste, but I can eat them by cooking. I looked at all the brands in the stand and chose the one with the lowest oil ratio. I buy smoked turkey from Migros, both delicious and affordable.

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:13

    I started on March 12, too, I didn't use P/Ps this week, but I eat fruit activa and add a teaspoon of unground flaxseed to it, so I didn't have any digestive problems, I don't know what difference I made in terms of weight. I'm using, thank you, good luck.


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"Baked Tomatoes with Cheese and Dukan Getaways36 comments for ”

  • On January 13, 2014 at 16:55 am

    friends, I'm on a dukan diet too, but I lost 5kg during the attack phase, is it normal? I wonder if it's 71kg now 66kg, but I didn't follow the recipes in the diet too much. I ate heavy pyrotein, but I didn't follow the recipes there. Now I've switched to vegetable pirotein, what will it be like the week we eat vegetables? thank you guys in advance

  • On April 04, 2013 at 16:05 PM

    Hello Miss Nilay,
    I have been following your site with pleasure for a long time and I wanted to be included.
    Since I am a working person, sometimes I miss the beginning of the events.
    I have a serious weight problem. can you help me?
    Is this the attack period of the dukan diet that you call the attack period?
    I would appreciate if you could help and write to my e-mail address.

    • On April 05, 2013 at 09:10 PM

      Hello Mrs. Fatos. Yes, I did the dukan diet. In the Dukan diet category, I explained all the stages I followed from beginning to end. love.

  • on July 06, 2012 at 00:25

    Hello, I left 4 days behind since I started the attack period, but since the 2nd day, I have been feeling like I'm going to feel nauseous. I can't understand. I'm climbing the stairs. then i sit down. I saw that I ate dessert in my dream last night, today I couldn't stand it anymore, I ate half a biscuit, I regret it, but I needed it, I couldn't find time to make dessert. I don't know much about cooking. I am a person who likes protein products very much, but now I have a bad stomach for eating the same style. please help me.. :( :(

  • On June 09, 2012 at 22:20 PM

    hello, my height is 168 kilos 68. I only have stomach and belly problems. Tomorrow is the 4th day of my attack period. I don't weigh myself, but I'm sweating heavily. And I feel my belly is getting smaller. I just have a headache. And I sleep a lot because of yogurt :) Switching to the cruise period after 5 days of attack period I want to. I don't know how many meals to eat during the cruise period and I don't know the gram limitations. I also want to eat vegetables less and get back the water I lost in a small amount. Also, my water consumption is 2 liters on average. I am waiting for your comment on the subject. Regards…

  • On April 30, 2012 at 14:34 PM

    hello.. I also started dukan diet on April 14th, I only needed to lose a few kilos, more precisely, I had a belly problem….I went to the cruise phase after about 10 days of attack…by the way, my height is 160, my pre-dukan weight is 50.90 …currently, my 47.90th day at 8 cruise I stopped losing weight but there is a visible thinning in my belly, but yesterday I couldn't stand my son's pleas and ate ice cream and today I decided to punish myself and have a 3-day attack….a very close friend of mine lost 18 kilos on this diet in 2.5 months…what I want to ask you is How long should I continue the cruise time?

  • March 24, 2012 at 17:11

    I started dieting on January 16. At the end of 2 months, I lost 9.3 kilos (I have 8 more kilos ahead of me) Unfortunately, I can lose weight slowly due to my thyroid problem and my age (40): (When I read the comments, I see that other dukanists lose weight faster, I weigh myself once a week to not get demoralized). Even though I did an extra walk this week (I increased it to 1 hour every day), I saw that I did not lose any weight. I think I've entered a period of pause, but I don't know what else I can do even though I have increased the sport :(

    • March 25, 2012 at 01:01

      Hello, Velvet, I think you should definitely not get discouraged. You've lost weight so well that I've entered a period of stagnation right now. By the way, because we take protein, our muscle mass increases with sports. We continue to burn fat even when there seems to be no weight loss. I need to lose 8 more kilos too, I'm determined :)

      • March 27, 2012 at 22:41

        Ms. Nilay, I sent you a recipe for conscience soup on Facebook, it worked very well for me, I think maybe we can recommend it to Ms. Velvet. Also, I lost 3 kilos a month in the diet I did with a dietitian before, along with sports, so I think 9 kilos in two months is not a slow weight loss at all, my velvet lady, my camel continues :)

        • March 27, 2012 at 22:44

          Princess just sent you? Facebook is so busy that I can't keep up with messages :( Can you send me the recipe again?

          • March 27, 2012 at 22:48

            Ok I found your message, thanks a lot :)

  • March 22, 2012 at 21:50

    Hi Nilay, I was able to start the diet on March 17, which I said I would start on March 19. Today, my 3rd day of attack is over. It said 3 days on the site, but I am thinking of pure protein tomorrow. I have lost about 2 kg for now. I am waiting for your recipes that will add flavor to this diet:))) love you

    • March 22, 2012 at 21:58

      Hello Hilal, good luck :) I have a lot of recipes, we will lose weight together with pleasure :) Love…

  • March 22, 2012 at 21:40

    I started on March 7th and lost 5 kilos in total. I'm weighed once a week so that I don't get depressed. Today I invented oat bran pastry, this made me very happy. I will eat one a day, I will consume my oat bran right like this, I wish all my dukan diet friends a quick weight loss :)

    • March 22, 2012 at 21:55

      Mukaddes lady, congratulations :) I was wondering about your recipe, could you share it with us? Love…

      • March 22, 2012 at 22:17

        Hi Nilay, of course I will share. I put a pack of oat bran, (400 gr) 3 tablespoons of flour, 3 tablespoons of wheat bran, 2 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 teaspoon of salt, 1 packet of human yeast, 2 eggs (to rub out of the yolk of one of them) and kneaded until it reached the consistency of dough. I put a mixture of spring onions, parsley and cheese inside and gave it a tiny little classic pastry shape. I put it on baking paper, brushed it with egg yolk and put it in the oven. (I put 3 tablespoons of flour in case the oat bran may not get the consistency. Maybe it can be done without adding it, which is an escape from it :) )

        • March 22, 2012 at 22:19

          Great recipe, thank you :) I will try it as soon as possible. Love :)

      • March 22, 2012 at 22:22

        Sorry, I forgot a detail. We add milk slowly until the dough has a consistency. Of course, I chose the light ones of all the milk, yoghurt and cheese mentioned :) Love…

  • March 22, 2012 at 11:25

    Hi Nilay Hnm. I started the Dukan diet because of you. your recipes are very good. Thanks to you, we spend a very comfortable diet. Thank you for your effort.

    • March 22, 2012 at 13:32

      Selma, thank you :) The diet became more enjoyable with the recipes, love...

  • March 22, 2012 at 01:06

    I started on March 16, I weigh myself every day, even I prepared an excel table for myself. I can see the daily difference and the total difference. I bought 500 gr on my first vegetable protein day. I got a little depressed, but I continue very determined, I have never had a scam, I hardly consume any salt or oil 2,2 kilos. So far, there is not much visible change, but I am determined.

    • March 22, 2012 at 22:32

      princess, I congratulate you for your determination :) If I try to make a painting, I will definitely get stressed, it will look like a month-end payment chart :) It is very natural that you may play a little, definitely don't get stuck. You will start to feel the difference after 5 kilos. Love….

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:44

    I'm on my tenth day, I just had a fork of rice getaway, but things are going really well ;) people continue to be more motivated as clear weight loss is seen on the scale ;)
    I used to complain about sweet cravings at first, I even made a practical pudding, but I don't want it anymore ;) If you want to take a look, I wrote it here: ;)

    • March 22, 2012 at 01:46

      Thank you İrem, I'll have a look right away :) Yes, the most motivating thing is to get rid of weights, corn starch caught my eye in the book. I will use starch in desserts, but I need to take a look at the recipes again. I also bought cocoa with reduced fat and I'm thinking of some alternatives with it.

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:37

    to be honest, i took a break from my dukan diet for 1 week (on my women's day) i didn't gain weight but i am at the same weight i hope i can get back to my old determination

    • March 22, 2012 at 01:54

      Hi Ilknur, I wish you didn't take a break but I don't think you will give up :) We will all get rid of these kilos together!

      • March 22, 2012 at 16:22

        As long as I follow your site, I believe my determination will not be lost, thanks again

  • March 21, 2012 at 17:09

    Hello, Ms. Nilay, I started the diet on March 19, inspired by your sincere posts and good recipes. Today is my 3rd day, I lost 1 kg, but I cannot say that it was very easy for me. I'm a working person and I don't have a chance to snack on a diet every time I'm hungry like at home. It also takes my time to prepare something that I can snack on, and because I prepare it daily, it runs out quickly. Anyway, I have 1 day left, I'll hold on. I just want to ask you this, I have been ringing in my ears since last night. If someone doesn't remember me all the time :) could it be from protein loading? Best regards………..

    • March 22, 2012 at 02:14

      Hello Elif, you are right, it is very difficult at first. The cause of the ringing is not protein, but perhaps a change in blood pressure. Maybe your blood sugar is dropping. If it's uncomfortable, I'd say don't force yourself to have a snack. I'm waiting for your good news, love...

      • March 24, 2012 at 13:15

        Ms. Nilay, I ate tomato and cucumber for the first time this morning after 5 days of attack. In the evening, I will cook a meat-free okra dish. It goes well with tzatziki.
        When I weighed myself this morning, I saw that I had lost two pounds from the start. Wonderful! Keep dieting! My only problem is tinnitus. And lastly, is there any harm in beef tripe? After boiling, it can be put back into plain water and seasoned. I read in an article that it is recommended for dialysis patients because it is oil-free. I don't know how accurate it is.
        I wish you a nice weekend….

        • March 25, 2012 at 01:05

          Hello Elif, another dieting friend of ours talked about tinnitus. Something like this happened to me during the attack period, I don't know the exact reason, but I suspect blood pressure. There is a list of 100 items in the book, where prohibited foods are written, it should be looked at again. Love…

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:57

    I started for 2 days and I saw 1 kg loss on the scale.
    thank you for your sharing

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:36

    hello nilay lady, i think the ham pictured is not. where did you get the diet-friendly ham, what brand is it… I just started and I'm not happy with those attack phase foods :)))

    • March 21, 2012 at 17:01

      Hi Nilay, smoked turkey in the photo. I like to eat only beef and ham, turkey and chicken do not suit my taste, but I can eat them by cooking. I looked at all the brands in the stand and chose the one with the lowest oil ratio. I buy smoked turkey from Migros, both delicious and affordable.

  • March 21, 2012 at 16:13

    I started on March 12, too, I didn't use P/Ps this week, but I eat fruit activa and add a teaspoon of unground flaxseed to it, so I didn't have any digestive problems, I don't know what difference I made in terms of weight. I'm using, thank you, good luck.


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