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How to make Baked Pumpkin Soup? Recipe tricks, thousands of recipes and more... Türk airfreyer soup recipe, airfyer recipes, how to make pumpkin soup, baked pumpkin soup, cream pumpkin, veggie pumpkin, airfryer recipes

Baked Pumpkin Soup

Release Date: 02-02-2023
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Hello Dear Friends,

You know how much I love pumpkins. A little less recipes came out this year compared to previous years, but make sure it's worth the wait ☺️ Various types of zucchini, from spaghetti to Hakkoido, are now on the market. Hakkoido is very suitable to be eaten as it comes out of the oven, and my favorite part is that it can be eaten with thin crusts and skins.

airfreyer soup recipe

Classic pumpkin soup lovers are sure to love this recipe. The consistency is great, but you can add a little more water if you want.

Watch the Video:

My Spaghetti Zucchini Recipe You can find it here.

Another delicious recipe made with pumpkin in the oven, sinkonta ya You can find it here..


Ingredients for Baked Pumpkin Soup Recipe

  • 250-300 g Hakkoido squash
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 potato
  • 1 small onion
  • optional capsicum pepper
  • 3-4 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 2,5 water glass of water
  • half a pack of cream (100 ml)
  • salt
  • black pepper
  • Red pepper
  • rosemary upon request

For service:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Fresh onion
  • Cream

1. Slice the Hakkoido squash or the peeled pumpkin.
2. Peel and chop the potatoes, onions and carrots coarsely.
3. Add olive oil, salt and spices and mix. Bake in airfry at 200 degrees for 15 minutes, otherwise, bake in a controlled manner in your preheated oven.
4. Put the cooked vegetables in the pot, add the water and cream and cook for 10 minutes. When the zucchini is very soft, pass it through the blender. Boil one more time.
5. Serve with cream or plain.

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