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How to make Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from Anushka? There is also 1 comment to give you an idea. Tips of the recipe, thousands of recipes and more... Türk Stuffed peppers, with olive oil, Olive Oils

Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from Anushka

Release Date: 10-12-2007
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We got another festive recipe from my dear friend Pervin's Anushka. And I am very happy to share this recipe with you. Thanks to Pervincim, who explained this wonderful dish for us one by one, and supported the explanation with photographs. I mean, it's not a recipe, it's like a photo novel :) Thanks to the hands and efforts of those who made it..

Stuffed Peppers


1 kg. bell pepper (about 10 pieces)
2 cups of rice
8-10 onions (about half a kilo)
1 tablespoons of currants
1 tablespoon of peanuts
2 teaspoons of mint
juice of half a lemon
1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1 teaspoon allspice
2 sugar cubes
1,5 glass of olive oil


Onions are finely chopped. Onions, salt and peanuts are fried in 1,5 cups of oil on low heat until the peanuts turn pink (2 cubes of sugar are thrown in this row). Then the rice is sorted, washed in cold water, the water is filtered and added to the pot and continued to fry.

Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from Anushka

After roasting for half an hour, 1 glass of hot water is added and left to infuse (by covering with a towel). After brewing, all other ingredients are added and mixed.


The bell peppers are washed and the insides are taken out. Stuffed stuffed peppers are filled with the prepared stuffing and covered with a slice of tomato.

Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from Anushka

Stuffed stuffed vegetables are arranged in a single row in the pot. Boiled water is added to come halfway down. It is cooked on low heat until the rice softens.

And the great ending: Cool it, take it on a serving plate, garnish with lemon slices and parsley… And eat it with pleasure..

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"Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from AnushkaOne comment on

  • On June 14, 2008 at 16:40 PM

    Thank you very much for the recipe, but I have a request;

    1-2 things not mentioned in the ingredient list come up later in the recipe, now I have to go shopping again, I think it would be better if we read the recipes later and fix the ingredient list last.

    It's worth everything, stuffed with olive oil, thanks again


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"Stuffed Peppers with Olive Oil from AnushkaOne comment on

  • On June 14, 2008 at 16:40 PM

    Thank you very much for the recipe, but I have a request;

    1-2 things not mentioned in the ingredient list come up later in the recipe, now I have to go shopping again, I think it would be better if we read the recipes later and fix the ingredient list last.

    It's worth everything, stuffed with olive oil, thanks again


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