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5 Miraculous Aspects of Apple Cider Vinegar You Didn't Know

Release Date: 23-06-2016
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Apple cider vinegar It has long been used in various household chores and cooking.

Natural acetic acid is among the components of apple cider vinegar, which stands out with its cheapness and countless benefits. Thus, it ensures that the pickle does not spoil. At the same time, research on the effect of protecting human health against diseases continues, as it contains antioxidants. We also researched the benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar. There was such a table that; We realized that apple cider vinegar can replace many things in the house. Here are the most obvious benefits and uses of apple cider vinegar:

natural cleaning products
  • While cleaning: You can use apple cider vinegar with peace of mind when cleaning many objects in the house. You can shine your silver and glassware and remove stains on carpets. For example; For stains on the carpet, dissolve 2 tablespoons of salt in half a cup of apple cider vinegar, rub the stain and let it dry. Then sweep it with a vacuum cleaner and you will see the difference. At the same time, it can be placed in the rinse aid compartment of your dishwasher. vinegar You can make your dishes shine and keep your machine clean. By adding 4 small cup of vinegar to 1 liters of water, you can wipe the floors and make sure that your vegetables and fruits are completely cleaned by soaking them in vinegar water. The best benefit of using vinegar in cleaning is undoubtedly that it keeps you away from chemical cleaners with its natural content.
  • In skin stains and cleaning: Apple cider vinegar, which has a peeling effect thanks to the natural acid it contains, has a peeling feature. Only on the spots on your skin elma sirkesi Rinse your face by waiting for 10 minutes, you will notice that the color of the stain is lightened with regular use. Apart from this, it is also possible to use apple cider vinegar as a tonic. But in this case, it is necessary to dilute the vinegar with water; You can mix two tablespoons of water and one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar and apply it to your face with a clean cotton ball, excluding the eye area. Over time, you will see your skin shine and you will have a healthier skin.
  • In body health: apple cider vinegar It has been proven in research that it lowers blood sugar, and therefore it is recommended to be used in salads with meals. Thus, the blood sugar that rises with the meal is balanced thanks to the vinegar. In addition, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar mixed with a tea glass of warm water helps to reduce bacteria in the throat and relieves your damaged throat.
  • In hair care: Do not be intimidated by the smell of apple cider vinegar, which is said to remove dandruff, make hair grow faster and make it shine. In fact, the scent evaporates from the hair in a short time, leaving glowing, healthy hair. Of course, it is necessary to pay attention to the amount used, since it has acidic properties. For this, massage your hair, which you wash and rinse with warm water and shampoo, by pouring a mixture of 1 liter of water and a quarter tea glass of vinegar, which you have prepared in a separate bowl, on your hair and leave it for a maximum of 10 minutes. Then rinse your hair again with a cold water and get healthy and vibrant hair. You can apply this process once or twice a week as needed, more than that can cause the hair to dry out.
  • When losing weight: Apple cider vinegar has the feature of supporting weight loss in addition to sports and a healthy diet. 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar consumed with or after meals increases the feeling of satiety and helps to lose weight by reducing insulin levels. It is not recommended to be taken before meals due to the acid it contains, and if it is to be taken after meals, it should be diluted with water. Therefore, the healthiest way to get vinegar into the body seems to be adding it to meals or salads.

Editor: Büşra Cengiz
Photo: Nilay Tulum

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