15th Day Iftar Menu
Today, on the 15th day of Ramadan, I will share the iftar menus with you every day during the month of Ramadan. This Ramadan, the weather is even hotter, the days are long. After fasting in the heat all day, avoid eating heavy and oily meals at iftar. If possible, reduce the fat and salt ratios of the dishes in the menus as much as you can. Be sure to eat lightly, consume plenty of greens and fluids. Do not forget to eat fruit.
The menus are for giving ideas, you can make additions and decals while preparing your iftar tables.
Happy and Blessed Ramadan to Everyone...
Iftar Menu:
Pumpkin Soup
Boiled chicken
Tomato Rice
Güllaç with Fresh Fruit Ice Cream
I think it is published a little late..today, on the 16th of Ramadan, fifteen more.menu arrives in the mail….
Hello Mrs. Zeliha, the menus are published daily. You can follow the latest additions section on the main page. Since the mail system sends an e-mail 1 day after it is published, you receive the recipes from the day before.